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Alien vs. Predator 3 - Sequel or Reboot the franchise?
Jun-26-2016 11:08 AM56 replies
Tyrants Chapters 17-21
Jun-26-2016 7:43 AM55 replies
Isla Nublar Survival
Jun-21-2016 2:55 PM24 replies
Tyrants Chapter 16: The Blizzard
Jun-16-2016 2:22 PM10 replies
Godzilla Wars Reborn
Jun-15-2016 5:35 PM12 replies
Imperial Renaissance Day Special: Godzilla Story Updates
Jun-15-2016 12:12 PM17 replies
How did a Queen egg end up inside the Sulaco?
Jun-08-2016 1:42 AM82 replies
Carcharodontosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus
Jun-07-2016 5:41 PM58 replies
Franchise Rants
Jun-07-2016 2:04 PM87 replies
How will multiple directors effect the trilogy?
Jun-04-2016 11:00 PM13 replies
Will Alien: Covenant introduce Xenomorph Egg Morphing?
Jun-04-2016 11:36 AM86 replies
Alien: Covenant Set Photos (Potential Spoilers)
Jun-03-2016 8:49 AM15 replies
The Dinosaurian Galactic Empire Seizes This Forum
Jun-02-2016 12:00 PM10 replies
The Galactic Dinosaurian Empire Claims This Forum
May-30-2016 1:59 PM15 replies
What Weyland-Yutani Know About The Black Goo!
May-30-2016 10:55 AM170 replies
A New Era of the Dinosaurian Empire
May-29-2016 6:30 PM10 repliesPINNED
Favorite JP Sequel
May-29-2016 5:09 PM11 replies
Favorite Dinosaur From Each JP Film
May-29-2016 4:47 PM17 replies
Favorite Character From Each JP Film
May-29-2016 4:46 PM16 replies
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 Reviews/Discussions
May-29-2016 9:13 AM12 replies
The Derelict, Juggernaut and Elder Noobernaut-Pebble Ship: Built or Grown?
May-25-2016 8:29 AM52 replies
Information and Updates for ALIEN: The Weyland-Yutani Report!
May-24-2016 4:29 AM40 replies
Post your favorite scene from Alien 3!
May-22-2016 10:52 AM18 replies
Dinosaurian Imperial Control
May-21-2016 4:59 PM10 replies
Theory: Weyland-Yutani are run by Robots, Synthetics pursuing the Xenomorph for means of evolution!
May-21-2016 11:07 AM34 replies
Favorite Dinosaur in Each Group
May-19-2016 5:10 PM5 replies
Alien: Covenant visual look and feel...
May-17-2016 9:37 AM19 replies
Who should direct Godzilla 2?
May-16-2016 5:22 PM18 replies
Bio Terror
May-13-2016 9:31 AM36 replies
Top 10 Favourite Star Wars Lightsaber Fights
May-12-2016 2:33 PM15 replies
PDBS1: Tyrannosaurus Rex Vs. Carnotaurus
May-10-2016 12:48 PM15 replies
Isla Sorna Survival
May-04-2016 4:52 PM18 replies
Lorem ipsum vel quis ad malesuada ipsum porttitor magna leo
May-02-2016 5:55 AM91 replies
Humans using stolen Predator technology in Shane Black's The Predator?
Apr-28-2016 4:35 PM6 replies
Alien Day (4/26) 2016 Highlights
Apr-25-2016 6:16 PM6 repliesPINNED
PDBS1: Tyrannosaurus Rex Vs. Oxalaia
Apr-23-2016 5:25 AM10 replies
Your favorite part of the Godzilla Resurgence trailer
Apr-19-2016 5:38 PM19 replies
Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies Ever
Apr-19-2016 7:45 AM12 replies
Godzilla 2014 vs. Godzilla Resurgence official debate thread
Apr-16-2016 7:42 PM159 repliesPINNED
Imagine an AvP Extinction game sequel featuring a massive online open world.
Apr-16-2016 10:19 AM2 replies