Hot Topics / Featured Discussions
Regeneration in Alien: Covenant
Sep-15-2016 7:04 AM60 replies
What you need to know about Shane Black's Predator 4 (The Predator)
Sep-13-2016 7:45 PM11 replies
Star Wars: The Turn
Sep-10-2016 9:27 AM17 replies
The Tyrant Thunderstorm: Lightning Rex
Sep-05-2016 3:53 PM78 replies
Zilla Jr. Earth's Second Defender (Re-Written) - The Final Chapter (Including 1-14)
Sep-04-2016 12:59 PM17 replies
Not Available
Sep-02-2016 11:41 AM11 replies
Alien Origin David's Experiments
Aug-29-2016 1:32 PM79 replies
Tyrants Chapter 30, the Final Chapter: True Redemption
Aug-24-2016 7:48 PM11 repliesPINNED
In Alien 5...what happens to this system?
Aug-23-2016 3:40 PM12 replies
Tyrants, The Final Battle: Tyrance vs Tyrantic
Aug-21-2016 3:28 PM11 repliesPINNED
Which Star Wars Character are you?
Aug-18-2016 1:59 PM11 replies
Proposed Alien Covenant trailer release date competition!
Aug-17-2016 4:11 AM30 replies
Alien 5 Script
Aug-15-2016 4:11 AM3 replies
Ideas on what they are going to do with a Live Action Pokemon?
Aug-15-2016 1:16 AM12 replies
Tyrants Chapters 27-29
Aug-12-2016 6:12 PM25 replies
Top 10 Favourite Tyrants/The End Characters
Aug-11-2016 2:52 PM27 replies
Favourite Dinosaur From Each Time Period
Aug-09-2016 3:27 PM20 replies
Shin-Gojira's bottom jaw splits when using atomic breath?
Aug-09-2016 12:55 PM19 replies
Favourite Dinosaur Time Period
Aug-07-2016 5:25 PM17 replies
Shin Godzilla Box Office Watch (05/19/20)
Aug-06-2016 12:35 PM53 replies
I need help!! *First SH Figure :D*
Aug-03-2016 4:10 PM10 replies
Not Available
Aug-02-2016 6:54 AM35 replies
Is Shin-Gojira living on borrowed time?
Aug-01-2016 12:48 AM11 replies
You can now review Shin Godzilla on Scified!
Jul-29-2016 3:47 PM0 repliesPINNED
Human to Alien morphing in Alien: Covenant and Black Goo effects on Male vs. Female hosts
Jul-26-2016 4:48 PM55 replies
How Pacific Rim, Godzilla & Kong: Skull Island could all fit into the same timeline!
Jul-25-2016 7:48 AM12 replies
Megalodon vs Pliosaurus Macromerus
Jul-24-2016 5:43 PM21 replies
The Tyrant Thunderstorm
Jul-24-2016 7:35 AM33 replies
The Big Four Ranked
Jul-21-2016 5:10 PM14 replies
PDBS2F3: Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum Vs. Gastonia Burgei
Jul-19-2016 6:37 PM11 replies
The Tyrant Lord
Jul-16-2016 6:59 PM22 replies
Official Kong: Skull Island logo and tagline revealed!
Jul-16-2016 10:31 AM3 replies
Jul-13-2016 2:57 PM120 replies
What if... Alien was remade?
Jul-13-2016 1:50 PM119 replies
Star Wars Prequels discussion/debates
Jul-11-2016 8:29 AM29 replies
Opinion On Shin Gojira's Breath
Jul-10-2016 8:31 PM12 replies
Tyrants Chapters 22-26
Jul-10-2016 4:04 PM54 replies
Blomkamp's Alien will be an Alternate Path from Alien 3 and Alien 4
Jul-07-2016 2:25 PM34 replies
Space Jockeys are Engineers?
Jul-05-2016 11:52 AM62 replies
Choose two sci-fi movies that you would like to see remade.
Jun-30-2016 1:00 AM16 replies