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Velociraptor Awareness
Apr-15-2016 1:42 PM146 repliesPINNED
Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan to battle Ghidorah in Legendary's Godzilla sequel?
Apr-09-2016 7:26 AM18 replies
Will there be another AvP film?
Apr-06-2016 4:08 PM29 replies
Re-analyzing the Prometheus Alien mural and what clues it offers.
Apr-02-2016 8:39 PM32 replies
What happens to Shaw after Prometheus in Alien: Covenant - Fan Theory
Apr-01-2016 11:08 PM122 replies
InGen's Velociraptor subspecies.
Mar-13-2016 11:14 PM11 replies
Predictions - Will sequel to Godzilla 2014 be better or worse ?
Mar-13-2016 7:12 AM19 replies
Clash of the Titans: Spinosaurus rex Vs. Indominus rex Vs. Rexy Vs. JP3 Spinosaurus
Mar-09-2016 12:09 PM20 replies
Jurassic Battle Royale Tournament Round 1 Battle 2: Rexy Vs. Buck T. rex
Mar-08-2016 4:33 PM10 replies
Jurassic Battle Royale Tournament Round 1 Battle 1: JW Raptor Squad Vs. TLW Tiger Raptor Pack
Mar-07-2016 1:11 PM20 replies
Ceratosaurus Vs. Stegosaurus
Mar-04-2016 4:55 PM11 replies
Should Godzilla vs. King Kong (2020) end in a draw?
Feb-09-2016 11:08 AM12 replies
What are the hype levels for Godzilla: Resurgence?
Feb-08-2016 12:51 PM83 replies
What do you think?
Jan-24-2016 6:44 PM12 replies
Godzilla Merchandise And GDBR Ideas
Jan-23-2016 3:29 PM20 replies
Alien: Covenant ..... The Story So Far!
Jan-13-2016 3:46 PM185 replies
Shin-Godzilla's fighting style
Jan-08-2016 5:57 PM15 replies
Could Shin-Gojira have survived and be recovering from the Oxygen Destroyer?
Jan-04-2016 4:57 AM11 replies
Godzilla 2016 revealed?!?!?!?
Jan-03-2016 4:07 PM51 replies
Totally premature Alien Covenant theory
Dec-31-2015 9:25 PM18 replies
Your Favorite Star Wars Movies?
Dec-31-2015 10:25 AM33 replies
Movie Tournament Game 26 - Godzilla vs. Biollante X Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
Dec-27-2015 12:04 PM17 replies
Merry Christmas Scifiders!
Dec-23-2015 9:22 AM15 replies
Shin-Gojira vs. LegendaryGoji, Battle of the Godzillas
Dec-19-2015 6:57 AM11 replies
What will the upcoming Legendary's Kaiju Cinematic Universe bring us after Godzilla vs King Kong?
Dec-18-2015 9:04 AM41 replies
Important Staff Message concerning Star Wars Spoilers.
Dec-18-2015 9:01 AM0 repliesPINNED
Resurgence: A remake? Sequel to the original? A new Godzilla? Or return of 1954 Godzilla?
Dec-17-2015 8:14 PM11 replies
Tyrants chapter 8: The Battle of Taghia-Sakhra
Dec-17-2015 11:34 AM18 replies
Will Shin-Gojira be in the next Godzilla: The Game sequel?
Dec-10-2015 7:28 PM10 replies
The design of Shin Gojira revealed
Dec-09-2015 9:52 AM170 replies
Will there be a trailer for Godzilla 2 during the Superbowl?
Dec-07-2015 5:04 AM12 replies
What if Legendary Goji is the most powerful incarnation of Godzilla yet?
Dec-04-2015 3:04 AM49 replies
Movie Tournament Game 25 - The Return of Godzilla x Ghidorah: The Three Headed Monster
Nov-30-2015 11:58 PM17 replies
Welcome to the new Gamera forum!
Nov-30-2015 12:35 PM6 replies
An OBJECTIVE appraisal of Fury Road - Why George Miller Doesn't Understand His Own Franchise.
Nov-22-2015 1:04 PM25 replies
Two of my latest Godzilla drawings I wanted to share.
Nov-21-2015 7:44 AM12 replies
Nov-18-2015 8:12 PM53 replies
How powerful will Shin-Gojira's Atomic Breath be?
Nov-15-2015 8:55 AM15 replies
Should there be a Monster for Godzilla to fight in G2016?
Nov-13-2015 10:20 AM15 replies
Movie Tournament Game 24 - Mothra vs. Godzilla x Godzilla 1985
Nov-09-2015 10:16 PM10 replies