Hot Topics / Featured Discussions
A Pokemon Dinosaur? Scientists think so!
Feb-26-2017 12:09 PM11 replies
James Cameron gets salty about Alien Covenant
Feb-26-2017 9:47 AM54 replies
The Covenant:Full Crew?
Feb-25-2017 10:33 PM55 replies
Silliness 2
Feb-23-2017 10:30 PM110 replies
From Frankenstein To The Gargantuas? The Debate Continues
Feb-22-2017 7:34 PM12 replies
Last Supper
Feb-22-2017 7:21 PM82 replies
Black spores:Indigenous or created
Feb-21-2017 2:47 PM61 replies
How Alien 5 would make sense between Aliens and Alien 3
Feb-21-2017 5:51 AM5 replies
engineers in cryo
Feb-21-2017 2:56 AM58 replies
Alien and the troubles of Artificial Intelligence
Feb-17-2017 4:30 PM66 replies
Alien and the religious angle
Feb-12-2017 2:31 PM102 replies
Why is the lake black?
Feb-12-2017 1:00 PM68 replies
Weyland-Yutani:Corporate Corruption
Feb-11-2017 1:44 PM51 replies
James Cameron's Aliens was a mistake.
Feb-07-2017 8:54 PM173 replies
How Hudson (and possibly Morse) could be in Alien 5!!
Feb-06-2017 6:45 AM13 replies
And what the hell is Arcturian poontang?
Feb-03-2017 11:11 PM72 replies
Alien: Covenant Forum Giveaway: Embroidered Weyland Patch!
Feb-03-2017 10:17 PM40 replies
Why does Ridley keep changing his mind?
Feb-03-2017 8:34 AM54 replies
Possible breakthrough in the David and Xenomorph connection?
Jan-31-2017 9:35 AM12 replies
what ISNT canon?
Jan-31-2017 12:11 AM67 replies
Can chestbursters be surgically removed?
Jan-30-2017 11:03 PM73 replies
Ranking The Alien films from best to worst
Jan-30-2017 1:37 PM123 replies
David Fincher doing another Alien movie
Jan-29-2017 8:10 AM55 replies
The best foundation on web to build Ac theories upon
Jan-28-2017 10:43 AM65 replies
Hive Mind or Independent Intelligence?
Jan-27-2017 2:47 PM55 replies
The Predator (Predator 4) Movie Plot Synopsis
Jan-26-2017 9:08 AM26 replies
Maybe not looking good for Alien 5
Jan-23-2017 9:21 PM12 replies
"Eggmorphing"...can we PLEASE put that concept to death????
Jan-23-2017 7:41 PM112 replies
GUTALIN: PROMETHEUS Concept Art and Other Work.
Jan-23-2017 5:09 PM11 replies
Unused Deacon concept designs from fire and stone comics
Jan-21-2017 9:41 AM19 repliesPINNED
The best alien quotes
Jan-21-2017 3:14 AM74 replies
Sevastopol hive:queen or egg morphing
Jan-19-2017 2:47 PM68 replies
What kind of April Fools joke will Fox play on us?
Jan-19-2017 6:45 AM69 replies
Alien stories
Jan-18-2017 7:25 AM142 replies
Another Covenant theory
Jan-17-2017 1:07 PM76 replies
Who should play Newt in Alien 5?
Jan-15-2017 2:36 AM20 replies
What happened to Shaw
Jan-12-2017 8:19 AM67 replies
Xeno tail wrapped around a leg in Alien and AC
Jan-11-2017 8:42 PM53 replies
Lindelof:Hero or villain
Jan-10-2017 9:38 PM87 replies
What is the purpose of the green gem/rock in the room with voles of black goo?
Jan-09-2017 2:59 AM64 replies