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Kaiju Transmissions - Ranking All the Godzilla Films!
Jan-08-2017 2:04 AM27 replies
The real leakleaks is here.(Spoiler alert)
Jan-02-2017 5:24 PM68 replies
Godzilla: The Inception - Chapter 15 (Including Chapter 1-14)
Dec-31-2016 5:32 AM18 replies
Is SHAW the EGG??
Dec-28-2016 6:53 AM88 replies
Another undeciphered distress call?
Dec-25-2016 1:55 PM70 replies
LV-426 or NOT?
Dec-25-2016 9:15 AM79 replies
Alien: Covenant news and social media
Dec-22-2016 4:03 PM51 replies
Scified Community Member Leaderboards! See where you rank!
Dec-22-2016 7:33 AM15 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 11 - 1964a vs. 1954
Dec-16-2016 2:40 PM13 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 10 - 2014 vs. 1995
Dec-14-2016 4:23 PM12 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 9 - 1992 vs. 1991
Dec-13-2016 4:53 PM10 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 8 - 1994 vs. 2004
Dec-10-2016 6:43 PM27 replies
Why and how does Predalien (AVPR) only look for female hosts?
Dec-08-2016 9:56 PM15 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 6 - 1962 vs. 2000
Dec-07-2016 4:00 PM16 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 5 - 1967 vs. 2002
Dec-05-2016 5:08 PM10 replies
Dec-05-2016 9:08 AM39 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 4 - 1999 vs. 1993
Dec-03-2016 3:36 PM13 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 3 - 1974 vs. 2001
Dec-01-2016 4:06 PM10 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 2 - 1968-72 vs. 2016
Nov-30-2016 5:27 PM11 replies
What happened to the new Gamera movie?
Nov-28-2016 4:47 PM10 replies
GODZILLA DESIGN TOURNAMENT - Round 1 - 1964 (2) vs. 1954
Nov-27-2016 8:00 PM12 replies
Project Arcanus
Nov-24-2016 6:22 PM10 replies
Shin Gojira Vs. Kaiju from different eras
Nov-24-2016 1:30 PM17 replies
Las Cinco Muertes: Jurassic Park Chronicles
Nov-24-2016 12:08 PM42 replies
When does Shin Godzilla come out on DVD/BluRay?
Nov-24-2016 8:18 AM66 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II
Nov-24-2016 5:03 AM33 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II, Final Preview, Coming Tomorrow
Nov-23-2016 10:11 AM12 replies
The End 2: Verum Finem
Nov-20-2016 11:07 AM56 repliesPINNED
Top 5 favourite Pokemon (+ honorable mentions)
Nov-20-2016 5:59 AM25 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II Preview VI: The Tortured Tyrant (Happy Birthday Tyrance! + Dedicated to Shiro)
Nov-20-2016 5:48 AM16 replies
Top 10 Favourite Legendary Pokemon
Nov-20-2016 5:43 AM19 replies
Top 5 Strongest CANON Sith
Nov-19-2016 7:50 AM12 replies
Inferance from Prometheus: The Real Plot
Nov-17-2016 2:22 PM54 replies
Alien: Covenant fan poster thread (Share your artwork here!)
Nov-13-2016 4:50 PM65 replies
The End 2 Part 7: For the Fate of the Future, the Battle of Lords
Nov-12-2016 5:58 PM17 repliesPINNED
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II Preview III: The Spined Lizards
Nov-12-2016 5:40 AM17 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II Preview II: The Regal Raptor
Nov-11-2016 4:59 AM14 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II Preview I: The Giant of the South
Nov-10-2016 4:00 PM11 replies
Possibly the greatest breakthrough in modern science!
Nov-10-2016 2:13 PM11 replies
Isla Nublar Apocalypse II
Nov-10-2016 1:10 PM10 replies