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Off the beaten path scifi movies
Mar-28-2017 7:45 PM87 replies
Mar-28-2017 5:14 PM81 replies
Giger Art gallery
Mar-26-2017 4:36 AM61 replies
Theory: Is the Black Goo Cameron's Queen?
Mar-25-2017 12:12 PM58 replies
Pokemon League Collab
Mar-24-2017 7:01 PM13 replies
One major thing that Cameron left out in ALIENS
Mar-24-2017 8:25 AM56 replies
Something is coming...
Mar-24-2017 12:21 AM79 replies
WOW! @ the new A:C poster over on A:C twitter
Mar-23-2017 6:11 AM53 replies
Is Shaw the Facehugger?
Mar-21-2017 6:01 PM10 replies
How old were Kong's Parents when they died and how did they die?
Mar-18-2017 12:12 PM12 replies
New Forms for Johto and Sinnoh Mascot Legendary Pokemon
Mar-18-2017 6:11 AM12 replies
Versions Of Humanity
Mar-17-2017 3:28 PM76 replies
Monsterverse Idea
Mar-17-2017 5:42 AM13 replies
Top 10 Favourite Godzilla Monsters
Mar-16-2017 2:12 PM19 replies
Why I Believe The Derelict is still Ancient
Mar-16-2017 4:03 AM21 replies
Mar-15-2017 10:52 AM94 replies
Is Walter an acronym?
Mar-14-2017 4:53 PM91 replies
Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters Speculations Part 1: Kaiju Mythological Origins
Mar-14-2017 1:33 PM13 replies
In Defense of Dr. Charlie Holloway.
Mar-13-2017 2:29 PM100 replies
Scified Nationalities United
Mar-11-2017 11:43 PM122 replies
Members sound off- all 31,936 of you at this moment
Mar-11-2017 9:02 PM82 replies
What really killed those beings on Paradise?
Mar-11-2017 3:05 PM79 replies
Alien: Covenant Neomorph fan art thread
Mar-09-2017 11:40 AM67 replies
Scified veterans (Prometheus)
Mar-08-2017 9:15 PM97 replies
Unguns in David's workshop
Mar-07-2017 1:45 PM123 replies
Alien themed food for parties?
Mar-06-2017 7:14 PM73 replies
Alien Movie Quote Recite Challenge - How well do you remember Alien?
Mar-04-2017 7:15 AM56 replies
What do you Like/dislike about Elizabeth Shaw?
Mar-04-2017 4:08 AM68 replies
Engineer Weapon System
Mar-03-2017 8:17 AM93 replies
weird alien behaviour/body language +daring theory
Mar-02-2017 8:35 PM19 replies
Not Available
Mar-02-2017 4:35 PM68 replies
Were the Engineers (Nephilim) on LV-223 attacked by Watchers that kept their first estate?
Mar-02-2017 8:32 AM25 replies
Kong Skull Island Godzilla King of the Monsters image Leaks!
Mar-02-2017 7:58 AM14 replies
Is Covenant the Xenomorph homeworld you didn't imagine?
Mar-02-2017 4:59 AM17 replies
David's workshop on Paradise with a dead Shaw?
Feb-28-2017 8:21 PM63 replies
David in the Engineer cloak at a temple
Feb-28-2017 7:19 PM64 replies
To all my Space Cowboys.
Feb-27-2017 11:48 AM17 replies
What Happened?
Feb-27-2017 4:04 AM16 replies
Scrappedathon Reviews: Godzilla vs. Ghost Godzilla
Feb-26-2017 3:26 PM10 replies
What was YOUR favorite Bill Paxton movie!!?
Feb-26-2017 2:39 PM11 replies