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10:00 min. Alien Covenant footage from Alien Day screenings. Good Quality.
Apr-27-2017 9:43 AM70 replies
New footage shown at screenings?
Apr-26-2017 7:47 PM61 replies
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Apr-26-2017 12:31 PM63 replies
Alien: Covenant Alien Day Footage - Sneak Peek
Apr-26-2017 10:58 AM37 replies
Not available
Apr-25-2017 11:04 PM12 replies
Submit your questions for Ridley Scott and the cast of Alien: Covenant!
Apr-24-2017 11:43 AM78 replies
Please Translate This
Apr-24-2017 10:15 AM80 replies
Unused Shin Godzilla scenes
Apr-24-2017 8:09 AM13 replies
Top 10 Favourite Transformers
Apr-22-2017 5:50 AM13 replies
Not available
Apr-21-2017 10:15 PM12 replies
Top 10 Favourite Dinosaurs
Apr-21-2017 6:58 PM35 replies
Female Engineers?
Apr-21-2017 4:42 PM102 repliesPINNED
Not available
Apr-21-2017 12:38 PM14 replies
Dinosaur Apprieciation
Apr-21-2017 12:23 PM10 replies
PLANET 4: Potentially Leading to Spoilers
Apr-15-2017 5:42 PM55 replies
Anyone Else Wishing For A Romance Between David and Shaw?
Apr-14-2017 8:52 PM19 replies
Not available
Apr-14-2017 4:26 PM11 replies
Your Top 5 Favorite Kaiju Of All Time
Apr-13-2017 6:48 PM12 replies
Godzilla Fan Comics by Kaijukid
Apr-13-2017 10:47 AM14 replies
Shin Godzilla Sequel - My Idea
Apr-12-2017 6:54 PM39 replies
Monsters you want in the MonsterVerse (Movie SPOILERS!)
Apr-12-2017 6:10 PM37 replies
Alien script recital 2.0.Prize to the winner!
Apr-11-2017 10:08 PM386 replies
Not available
Apr-11-2017 3:04 PM24 replies
What if Kong wins the fight in GxK?
Apr-11-2017 2:09 AM11 replies
Is Godzilla Vs Kong the last film of the Monsterverse?
Apr-10-2017 2:28 PM12 replies
Why do people hate Prometheus so much?
Apr-10-2017 6:26 AM50 replies
Walter name origin,
Apr-09-2017 2:51 PM112 replies
Rule book Round 2
Apr-08-2017 11:54 PM96 replies
The Arcanum Project
Apr-07-2017 6:38 PM16 replies
Not available
Apr-06-2017 11:43 PM11 replies
A:C soundtrack songs (your pick)
Apr-06-2017 7:56 PM102 replies
Important reminder about Repeat Topics, Images and Threads.
Apr-05-2017 5:46 PM0 repliesPINNED
Is the Millennium Series Underrated?
Apr-05-2017 2:20 AM11 replies
ALIEN: Manticore
Apr-04-2017 11:17 PM202 replies
Does the hologram show Dr. Elizabeth Shaw's death?
Apr-03-2017 9:21 PM63 replies
First confirmed footage of Shaw
Apr-03-2017 7:17 PM58 replies
Favorite Ghidorah?
Apr-03-2017 3:41 AM15 replies
Paradise Biology (spoilers)
Apr-02-2017 8:43 PM51 replies
Mar-31-2017 11:11 PM71 replies
Alien Franchise Rule Book: for Members by Members
Mar-31-2017 1:36 PM187 replies