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Isla Nublar Apocalypse III
Jun-03-2017 12:31 PM30 replies
What happened to Walter?
Jun-01-2017 10:35 AM53 replies
May-30-2017 5:44 PM60 repliesPINNED
Top 10 Favourite The End Characters
May-26-2017 12:11 PM12 replies
Ridley Scott confirms David WAS the originator of the xenomorph AND that the beings he bombarded were in fact engineers.
May-25-2017 11:17 AM95 replies
ALIEN - The Silent Dark 'The Lander'
May-22-2017 8:56 PM50 replies
Final Box Office Is Now In....Not good...
May-22-2017 2:57 PM59 replies
*SPOILER ALERT* DAVID did NOT intentionally kill Dr. Shaw
May-22-2017 6:35 AM50 replies
Thoughts on peoples complaints.
May-21-2017 12:17 PM58 replies
What are your rankings in the Alien series?
May-20-2017 8:56 PM54 replies
Not Available
May-20-2017 3:13 PM10 replies
Why do they kill
May-19-2017 5:09 PM58 replies
The Tyrant Thunderstorm: The End + Announcement
May-19-2017 1:16 PM32 replies
Alien: Covenant was amazing
May-18-2017 6:51 PM52 replies
Alien: Science Officer Ash (ID 111/C2/01X) activated in 2118
May-17-2017 11:58 AM23 replies
Ridley Scott Does not think god created us
May-14-2017 10:13 PM85 replies
Top 10 Most Famous Dinosaurs
May-13-2017 5:00 PM18 replies
AC Featurette ’Prometheus Origins’ Stills – Several Spoilers
May-12-2017 2:23 PM8 replies
The Tyrant Thunderstorm: The End Characters
May-12-2017 12:29 PM10 replies
Not available
May-11-2017 12:12 PM10 replies
Just watched it! Here`s my short thoughts. Some Mild Spoilers.
May-09-2017 10:29 PM61 replies
Not available
May-06-2017 8:27 AM20 replies
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus : bipedal or quadrupedal ?
May-05-2017 1:38 PM22 replies
Top 10 Favourite Tyrannosaurs
May-05-2017 12:14 PM10 replies
Favourite EU Character?
May-05-2017 11:55 AM22 replies
Alien: Covenant immediate first impressions
May-05-2017 1:20 AM52 replies
is Sue the largest Tyrannosaurus specimen ?
May-04-2017 10:02 AM14 replies
World Premiere in 1 hour in London?
May-04-2017 6:57 AM71 replies
Alien: Covenant
May-03-2017 3:23 PM68 replies
Admin Message: Posts containing Spoilers.
May-02-2017 9:10 PM6 repliesPINNED
Giganotosaurus carolinii vs Tyrannosaurus rex
May-02-2017 7:15 AM22 replies
AC Design team messed up with the baby neomorph (spoiler image)
May-01-2017 2:02 PM61 replies
Alien: Covenant - The Unofficial Animated Series Official Forum Thread
Apr-30-2017 6:50 PM33 repliesPINNED
King Ghidorah 2019 Leaked
Apr-29-2017 9:52 PM76 replies
Nequit Dominum vs Maledictus Dominum
Apr-29-2017 12:59 PM10 replies
Top 10 Largest Theropods
Apr-29-2017 6:34 AM13 replies
Apr-28-2017 6:52 PM97 replies
PDBS2F8: Tyrannosaurus vs Carcharodontosaurus
Apr-28-2017 11:01 AM18 replies
Who Is Your Favorite Godzilla Human Character.
Apr-28-2017 10:46 AM11 replies
Top 10 Favourite Megatheropods
Apr-28-2017 10:02 AM13 replies