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MemberNoobJan-26-2013 1:37 PMBlade Runner 2 probably will feature a female protagonist. What's your front-runner?
I think Jessica Chastain is a great choice. I've seen her in Zero Dark Thirty. She was brilliant!
36 Replies

MemberNoobFeb-21-2013 4:34 PM[i]Take a look:[/i]
[url=]Katy Perry as Rachael[/url]

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobFeb-21-2013 7:53 PMOK , My pick after all this ,,,,,,,,,,,Tricia Helfer

MemberNoobFeb-22-2013 5:31 AM[center][img][/img]
[url=]Katy Perry Dreams of Being a Replicant in BR2 (Jun-2012)[/url][/center]
Let's say if Ridley [url=]did cast Katy[/url], filmed in 3D, & ensured an R-Rating :O for her big-debuts; in-fact, he might break the box-office record. You just may be onto something there, Montesco. ;) The Oscar for Best Director goes to...
I loved Katy's Roman Space Gladiator costume (minus the legs); seen at the end of her neon-injected [url=]"E.T." MV[/url].
Also, I did really like Tricia Helfer in BSG; especially, during the Adm. Cain episodes as [url=]Gina[/url]. BSG was definitely my favorite series, within the last decade.
Thanks Montesco + NCC-1701 ^_^

MemberNoobFeb-22-2013 10:20 PM[center][/center]I think you are referring to [url=]Celine Lomez[/url], wearing the furs. She starred in the Canadian film [url=]"GINA" (1975)[/url]. It is likely where the writers for the re-imagined "Battlestar Galactica" (2003-09); sourced elements from, for the [url=]Cylon character Gina[/url]. And as the similarities between them, don't appear to be coincidental. :O
[url=]"The Silent Partner" (1978)[/url] was another Celine was good in, if you're interested in more. I'd try VeeHD for both; although, I suggest in creating an account there. ;)
I noticed Tricia's slight resemblance with Charlie, as well. I also realize after typing all this were likely referring to the E.T. photo, LOL. With Katy's head-tilted, plus a blank-stare; like when Pris was pulling the doll-fake. :I
Thanks Montesco! ^_^

MemberNoobFeb-22-2013 9:01 PMNCC@
NCC, other miss to the club! she bears some resemblance to Charlize Theron.
Sawa, watching your amazing picture, I think she is more for the role of evil replicant than Rachael, definitely!

MemberNoobSep-06-2013 11:16 AMThe female protagonist comment by Ridley Scott leads me not to TEOH, but rather the last book in the series, Blade Runner 4: Eye and Talon, which features a female Blade Runner named Iris. Timeline of the book may not be right, but a screenplay could easily address that to fit.
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