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MemberNoobJan-26-2013 1:37 PMBlade Runner 2 probably will feature a female protagonist. What's your front-runner?
I think Jessica Chastain is a great choice. I've seen her in Zero Dark Thirty. She was brilliant!
36 Replies

MemberNoobFeb-21-2013 4:07 PMSorry to disappoint you, but my favorite for the Rachael role, is Katy Perry. I uploaded a video from InStyle magazine issue 2011 where she is disguised of the replicant Rachael. She's super ****! Would be a safe bet!

Admin2KJan-26-2013 8:18 PMI have no idea, I really haven't thought of what actress I would like to see because I don't know what the role will be. Will she be Tyrell's Niece Sara, or a new Female Blade Runner? The possibilities are endless and I trust Ridley will cast the right woman for the role as he always does. :)
MemberNoobJan-27-2013 7:22 AMWhat role? I assume a main character (protagonist) which is (I hope) a blade runner. As Ridley Scott said:
"Funny enough, I started my first meetings on the Blade Runner sequel (...). We have a very good take on it. And we’ll definitely be featuring a female protagonist."
"I'm used to very strong women because my mother was particularly strong, and my father was away all the time. My mother was a big part of bringing up three boys, so I was fully versed in the strength of a powerful woman, and accepted that as the status quo. I think there are a lot of men who feel they're being emasculated by having the woman be in charge; I've never had that problem. All the relationships in my life have been with strong women, from childhood. The relationship I've had in my life for the past 30 years is with a very strong Costa Rican woman. Oddly enough, I find it quite engaging to be working with a female when I'm directing. It's kind of interesting."

Admin2KJan-27-2013 2:17 PM@Ingwar; I was indeed referring to the the role of the leading lady. There is much speculation that the sequel will be based on the second novel which centers around the character of Eldon Tyrell's niece, Sara, who was the human template for Rachel.
[url=]Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human[/url]
[url=]Future plot hints laced throughout the Blade Runner books 2,3 & 4[/url]
MemberNoobJan-27-2013 3:13 PMThat's interesting. I've never heard anything about speculations (how do you know this?:)) that the sequel will be based upon Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human. I haven't read that novel, but what I know is the plot takes place several months after the events in Blade Runner.

MemberNoobJan-28-2013 4:23 PMI thought about this topic ...I think if it were up to me I'd opt for an unknown. Someone that hasn't been tainted by Hollywood stardom as of yet. Although, she would need also be a woman that could at least match Sean Young's presence & beauty, as per the original film. And in accordance to whatever character this lead ends-up playing.
I think it is important that whoever it is, they aren't underwhelming when compared to Sean, & that will be tough shoes to fill. I certainly will be making that comparison, amongst many others.
I believe casting will be Ridley's biggest challenge this time around.

Member2KJan-28-2013 5:05 PMI agree Sawa!
Given Ridley's penchant for relatively unknown females in the lead role, it's pretty likely he will go down that route, once again.
Whoever he chooses, will be one lucky lady!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
MemberNoobJan-29-2013 3:36 PMI have to disagree with you guys:) I'm not sure that Ridley will go that route. He will cast someone who is known like he did in Thelma&Louise, G.I.Jane, Hannibal, Robin Hood and Prometheus.
Comparison to Sean doesn't convince me. Sean wasn't playing main role in BR. Ford and Houer did. Besides, new female protagonist is going to be a blade runner (I hope), so she doesn't have to be very beautiful (Noomi Repace in Prometheus):).

MemberNoobJan-29-2013 7:25 PM[center][/center]She'd better meet my criteria or there is going to be hell to pay. ^_^ I want my uncontaminated Hollywood-virgin BR princess or some people out there might be tempted to ginsu-review her & with extreme prejudice! =P
I do think that it would be difficult to replicate/top his iconic depiction of Rachel, using another character/actress in the sequel. It is quite possible that it is impossible to hit it a second time (simply so perfect). It probably is expecting too much of one the greatest directors of all-time, to outdo themselves. And only after waiting 30+ yrs. (& counting) for a follow-up sequel. Yes, very high expectations.
I'm not stating what I believe they will do, just what I might do. And not trying to convince anyone else of my opinion, simply sharing it. Also my firm intent to compare, along with the many others that will not be able to resist. Although, I believe you do bring-up some valid counterpoints, Igor. ^_^
I hope the opposite, in that she will not be a Blade Runner. Maybe a hi-tech fashion model or something along those lines, even a prostitute/pleasure model (if she happens to be a rep). I'd even go for a story centered around Tyrell's niece or a Off-World military unit, for something different.
Anyway, time will tell what's for dinner. Hopefully, there will be something in it for everyone, maybe like going for Dim sum.

Admin2KJan-30-2013 12:07 PM@Ingwar; That's the thing, Noomi wasn't known at all in the USA. She was a relative unknown to Hollywood.

MemberNoobJan-30-2013 8:03 PMI did not expect this news, where does this rumor coming?
a female as main role, as real possibility I mean if Scott would not be casting Harrison Ford for next one, at least she could be a human and not another Nexus.
Thats funny, because I've always loved ALIENs heroines, a whole world of possibilities awaiting us. Who knows.

Admin2KJan-30-2013 10:59 PM@Montesco; It's not a rumor it's fact and was posted as news here on the site months ago. Ridley said he was casting a female as the lead which is why some people think he may be doing the story of the second novel which has Sara Tyrell as the main character. [url=]Ridley Scott Says He'll Direct Blade Runner Sequel[/url]
[i]"Funny enough, I started my first meetings on the Blade Runner sequel last week. We have a very good take on it. And we’ll definitely be featuring a female protagonist"~Ridley Scott[/i]
He's not casting Ford as a main character because he's too old, Ridley said he would only maybe cast him as a cameo for fun.(I wrote that in news as well).

MemberNoobJan-31-2013 7:55 AMHi, Svanya, nice to read you again, I do not know if the producer will prefer a female protagonist, is very premature to talk about something, I do not agree that Fancher is maturing in his mind the story, something do not fit, and there are two investors involved, Warner and Alcon.
I can not disguise bowing by Deckard, but I'm not a filmmaker.
You could do a poll on this big question.
MemberNoobFeb-03-2013 1:20 AMI recently read a script version of the second book, Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human in the series and this one was called '[url=]Blade Runner Down[/url]'. It told the story of Deckard a decade or so later having lived with Rachel but she suddenly experiences the begining of the end of her life, so he places her in cryosleep while he revisits LA and the Tyrell corp., where he meets Sara Tyrell and I leave the rest up to those interested in reading this. I found it entertaining but only because as a written do***ent I could imagine Rachel exactly as she looked back then and then how Sean Young looked just 10 years later - not like today. But even so I definitely would not want to see this used for BR 2 nor do I think that Ridley Scott or Hampton F. have in mind by a female protagonist. In the script I read, and older Deckard was the protagonist, with Sara playing a supporting role. The link I attached should provide a word file or pdf file but to be safe scan it for viruses before opening it as I found it at another site and didn't download this one, so be safe. I would have uploaded the version I got but I didn't want to get into trouble with copy write problems!
Finely, I really want to see something very new and different similar to how different Prometheus is compared to Alien. It was a brand new concept only marginally related to Alien, not the unimaginative prequel that we all expected. The same thing I hope happens here.

Admin2KFeb-03-2013 2:55 PM@nostromo001; Yep that is the script I was talking about when I said people were buzzing about the sequel possibly being based on the next book. Sara being one of the main characters as Rachel is in stasis the whole time.
MemberNoobFeb-03-2013 6:34 PMYes Svanya, but since Sean Young has aged too much to play the part of Sara, it wouldn't work. The Sara in the script looked exactly like Rachel in her prime, which is impossible now. Besides like I said, I am looking for something very fresh. I wouldn't mind seeing an old Rick Deckard played by Harrison Ford just for a cameo but thats all. This new movie needs to spark a whole new fire of excitement that is only possible in a new story line.

Admin2KFeb-04-2013 3:34 AM@nostromo001; I never said I thought Sean Young or Harrison Ford would or should return. I have mentioned a couple times that using the old cast would be foolish even as a cameo. This movie could be anything from a prequel, sequel or even a reboot. No one has any Idea what the movie will be about yet. All I said was some people on the internet have said it might be based off that story and IF they did persue that storyline I would fully expect them to use new actors to portray the characters.

MemberNoobFeb-04-2013 6:17 AM[center][/center][img][/img]
[url=]"The Alien World: The Complete Illustrated Guide" (1980)[/url]
A Riddlan projection which appeared above the primitive world Winter D, populated by sentient, but mostly soulless Hollywoodriods. The Eye became an overwhelming symbol of the evil that stared from the heavens, so disorienting the creatures that the Oisir-Riddla were able to write their picture, & begin casting without life being lost, until now.
The Eye Of The Beholder has selected a virgin-sacrifice!
I think she is Hollywood-virgin (relatively unknown) enough for my liking. I just needed my brain rattled a bit to come-up with my front-runner choice.
Thanks Montesco! ^_^
After I read Svanya's newsflash about them talking to Sean ...I almost guessed that possibly they were asking her permission to CG scan her/use her likeness. Maybe they hope to create a younger version of her, & similar to what was done with Jeff Bridges in "TRON Legacy" (2010) or Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Terminator: Salvation" (2009).
Who knows, maybe a CG Sean might wind-up in stasis after-all. :O
+ thanks for the BRD-info. nostromo001. :)
MemberNoobFeb-04-2013 5:52 PMI have a felling (just a felling), that BR won't be inspired by the novel Blade Runner 2: Edge of Human.
Anyway, thanks for many replies, but still guys, You didn't answer my question:)
The question is: who could play, in your opinion, a female protagonist (main character) in new BR?
MemberNoobFeb-05-2013 1:45 PM[size=50]Hi Sawa, thoughtful ideas about BR2 casting. Sonja Kinski is certainly beautiful enough for a part if she is as gifted an actress as her mother. Also they are getting pretty close to being able to convincingly portray a younger version of an aging actor as in Tron 2 with Jeff Bridges through CGI. I do know that Ridley Scott from all the interviews I have ever seen or read always says that he takes great care in his casting for his movies. He actually watched 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', the Swedish version 5 times before casting Noomi Rapace as Shaw and he has a great affinity for strong female protagonists as he has often said. So as Svanya said we will all have to leave the choice up to his highly capable hands. I have learned a lot by studying Ridley Scott and greatly admire his artistic vision. There are not many visually adept directors in a position like his who's aesthetic choices I always agree with, and I am speaking as a visual artist myself. Ridley is an artist's director to say it as simple as possible and for that I will always watch his movies at the theater without fail and many times afterward at home on BR or DVD format.[/size]
[size=50]As many who have read my posts will attest to, I have strong opinions and am very passionate about all things Ridley Scott for the above reasons and it is never my intention to offend anyone or appear to disregard their opinions which I do value as well. I hope this clears up any past or future misunderstandings regarding my posts. We all share a mutual aesthetic taste in this community and that is to be cherished as the rare thing it is to find like minded people in this dizzying world of conflicting simulations.[/size]

Admin2KFeb-05-2013 12:10 AM@ Ingwar; I honestly have to say I haven't thought about it. I leave it in Ridley's capable hands.
@Sawa: LOL! Awesome idea! Indeed, CGI of Sean could be used who knows.
MemberNoobFeb-05-2013 5:28 AMSorry Svanya I did know what you meant. I must not have expressed myself the way I intended. All I really care about regarding this movie is a new look and cast. Thats all I'm trying to say.

MemberNoobFeb-05-2013 7:23 AM[center][/center]Yes Svanya, a young CG Sean would be quite the prodigal digital daughter. A revel in her time! ^_^ I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, that will be a game-show theme ...guess who are the CG characters.
Plus, I'm so pleased with my selection for the lead character. I really didn't think I had it in me. Although, [url=]Sonja Kinski[/url] comes pre-associated with an [url=]animal.[/url] And that was something I couldn't dismiss as simply coincidence. The overly-large photo below, further reinforces my feelings, on this delicate matter of casting:
Also, [url=]this brief interview[/url] ...a background in painting, & photography, just like you know who. Again, another unimaginable coincidence, I cannot let go. I know I probably shouldn't have evoked the Great Eye, but I was just so desperate. Nevertheless, I believe it will all turn-out, in the end ...somehow.
I worry because of all the snake synchronicity; with her [url=]Mother[/url], & Zhora in the past, or even now, [url=]herself.[/url] =P Dangerous Days, indeed.

MemberNoobFeb-06-2013 10:04 AM[center][/center]Yes, I do believe she is a gifted-actress. However, I question whether or not [url=]Sonja[/url] has the confidence to actually audition for him, successfully. I will plan to run it by Ridley before long, & hopefully get his thoughts. As it is his baby, after-all.
Although, I first need to find-out if this freaky-snake =P tattoo on her chest, is real or not ...before that happens.
I guess they could CG it right-off, but that does cost some bucks.
Thanks nostromo001. ^_^

MemberNoobFeb-18-2013 3:03 AMI'm not sure about protagonist but if Riddley doesn't cast Lady Gaga then he's definitely missing out on something. He could cast her in the Blade Runner universe as...well anything really. No costume or make-up required. All she'd have to do is show up and she'd fit right in ;)

MemberNoobFeb-19-2013 3:45 PM[center][/center][img][/img]
LOL, you know what they say... it's all fun n' games until someone evokes the Great Eye. =D
GaGa is definitely a ringer, & does have that "Plug n' Play" quality; much-like what went down, in the go-hard [url=]Rihanna manned "Battleship" (2012).[/url] I guess that [url=]Rihanna reign[/url] just wouldn't let-up from 27-million, LOL.
Thanks djrees56. ^_^

MemberNoobFeb-20-2013 6:22 PMYour welcome Sawa,just putting in my two cents.
I think this character would have made the noodle restaurant scene more interesting..
Deckard: "and noodles..two,two,four..."
Lady GaGa: "I'll be with you in a minute..I'm on my eye-phone".

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobFeb-20-2013 8:19 PMMan ,,good read until,,,,,,,,,,,,

Admin2KFeb-20-2013 10:57 PMHere, an ad Ridley Scott made for Lady Gaga (well, his did company anyways)
[Center][url=]Lady Gaga - Fame - Full Official Commercial (New Perfume Film)[/url][/Center]

MemberNoobFeb-21-2013 4:51 AM[center][/center]LOL, that GaGa video was filmed by [url=]Steven Klein[/url]. There is no end to his [url=]bizarreness[/url], and so they make a good match. I recommend that nobody investigate the [url=]deeper meaning[/url], behind her fragrance. The Enterprise's shields won't hold ...seriously. :O
My i-vote for the sequel's Noodle Master's reprise: [url=]Sonny Chiba[/url]
I thought his [url=]performance in[/url] "Kill Bill: Vol 1" (2003), was fantastic (plus I like his classic films).
And for the Noodle Master's Mistress: [url=]Mikie Hara[/url]
She was [url=]hilarious in[/url] "Cutie Honey: The Live" (2007-08), & would make for a cute n' comedic companion.
Thanks Svanya + djrees56 + NCC-1701. ^_^
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