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Godzilla Wars: Final War- Part 2: Revolution
Jul-30-2017 7:19 PM12 replies
Spider-Man Movies Ranked
Jul-30-2017 1:13 PM13 replies
What I noticed when I looked closely at Rodan's cave painting.
Jul-30-2017 6:01 AM12 replies
When will Godzilla 2 end filming?
Jul-30-2017 5:41 AM10 replies
Shin Godzilla One Year Anniversary
Jul-28-2017 6:45 PM31 replies
Lost in The End Part 5: Confrontation with the Unstoppable Lord
Jul-28-2017 4:33 PM10 replies
Imagine you are a Marketing executive
Jul-26-2017 3:32 PM51 replies
Check Out My Xeno Cake!!!
Jul-25-2017 7:50 PM50 replies
Collider says no more David in future Alien movies
Jul-24-2017 7:39 PM53 replies
Your Favorite Marvel Villain Quote?
Jul-24-2017 3:09 AM18 replies
Monster-verse after Godzilla vs. Kong
Jul-20-2017 9:18 AM80 replies
There is no way David could escape from Walter
Jul-20-2017 5:39 AM57 replies
Best Godzilla, King of The monsters/ Godzilla vs. King Kong tie in idea(IMO) other opinions welcomed as well
Jul-20-2017 4:54 AM10 replies
There is something in the water...
Jul-19-2017 2:37 PM30 replies
Shedding Some Light on David's Lab
Jul-19-2017 10:40 AM83 replies
What is that creature studied by Monarch in Siberia?
Jul-19-2017 10:33 AM16 replies
Researchers now believe T.rex was too heavy to run!
Jul-19-2017 2:33 AM12 replies
Writing Contest: Sauropod vs Megatheropod
Jul-18-2017 5:09 PM13 replies
SDCC 2017
Jul-18-2017 4:30 PM30 replies
The Crossing: What Can Be Deduced?
Jul-12-2017 6:30 AM65 replies
Would Godzilla 2 pick up from KSI?
Jul-10-2017 5:10 PM10 replies
Top 5 Dinosaurs That Have Changed Over Time
Jul-09-2017 8:22 AM16 replies
Photos of Godzilla 2 Temple Set
Jul-08-2017 3:33 PM16 replies
Guys! I Just Received Some Really Big News! My, my...
Jul-07-2017 9:26 AM52 replies
Your History With Dinosaurs?
Jul-06-2017 8:29 AM28 replies
Lost in The End Part 4: Coming of Age
Jul-05-2017 7:52 PM19 replies
Not available
Jul-05-2017 3:12 PM14 replies
Monarch Timeline
Jul-05-2017 11:34 AM84 repliesPINNED
Where are you from Part 2
Jul-04-2017 7:56 PM60 replies
Godzilla '14 Retrospect - Three Years Later
Jul-04-2017 12:22 PM23 replies
Kaijuly 2017 Questionnaire
Jul-04-2017 11:00 AM13 replies
Possible New Species of Tyrannosaurus in the Ojo Alamo Formation!
Jul-03-2017 10:10 AM21 replies
PDBCCR1F3: Albertosaurus vs Gorgosaurus
Jul-02-2017 3:44 PM11 replies
Godzilla vs Ghidorah 1 on 1
Jul-02-2017 2:15 PM15 replies
Top 5 Favourite Dinosaur Fanfictions
Jul-02-2017 11:57 AM13 replies
News from Micheal Dougherty!
Jul-01-2017 3:24 PM31 replies
David Did Not Create the Xenomorph
Jul-01-2017 3:56 AM60 replies
Alien: Covenant Blu-ray release date
Jun-30-2017 6:33 PM53 replies
The Mural in Prometheus
Jun-30-2017 6:15 PM50 replies
Godzilla's Original (Showa) Origin
Jun-30-2017 2:38 PM19 replies