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Site been offline for few days??
Aug-29-2017 8:20 AM27 replies
Fifield's Infection
Aug-25-2017 3:20 PM19 replies
Saurian: Story of the Specimens Parts 1-4
Aug-23-2017 7:56 PM26 replies
Alien Resurrection script recital/competition! UPDATE! 06 NOV 2017
Aug-23-2017 5:55 PM280 replies
Continuity of the Godzilla series
Aug-23-2017 10:06 AM36 replies
Who Do You Think WON back in King Kong vs. Godzilla(1962)?
Aug-21-2017 12:49 PM64 replies
I created this monster for my friends at SCIFIED.
Aug-20-2017 5:57 PM19 replies
Soy Meat- You can only choose one synthetic for your crew. Who do you pick and why?
Aug-20-2017 10:02 AM79 replies
Tyrannos' Armoury
Aug-18-2017 5:31 PM16 replies
Godzilla vs. Kong: A Common Threat
Aug-18-2017 5:43 AM10 replies
Top 10 Favourite Superhero Movies of All Time
Aug-17-2017 7:41 PM27 replies
Alien Covenant Is Blu-Ray Seller Number One
Aug-16-2017 4:50 AM33 replies
Engineer Sacrifice Ritual (enhanced)
Aug-15-2017 1:29 PM65 replies
Godzilla: KotM and Gvs.K Prediction Time
Aug-14-2017 5:44 PM10 replies
Kong has met his match before ever meeting Godzilla...
Aug-14-2017 4:15 PM11 replies
A Closer Look at the Bombing Sequence
Aug-14-2017 3:47 PM179 replies
Where I think Sir Ridley Scott could be going...
Aug-14-2017 2:20 PM58 replies
There hasn’t been a good alien movie since Alien 3 (what needs to be done?)
Aug-14-2017 10:27 AM20 replies
David and the burst a 10 yr plan
Aug-13-2017 10:55 AM41 replies
To much detail anyone?
Aug-12-2017 3:21 PM22 replies
Laws of the Multiversal Empire (MSEO)
Aug-12-2017 7:44 AM29 repliesPINNED
Anime Godzilla 2 meter tall statue.
Aug-11-2017 3:47 PM11 replies
Aug-11-2017 12:42 PM56 repliesPINNED
So, Earth Hive....alien short story....
Aug-11-2017 7:22 AM10 replies
Black Goo thoughts (spoilers)
Aug-10-2017 12:29 PM10 replies
female engineers in alien covenant ?
Aug-10-2017 10:06 AM7 replies
Alien Covenant in the hot seat as Fox reports numbers for 4th fiscal quarter
Aug-09-2017 4:21 PM60 replies
How large is Ghidorah based on this Cave Painting
Aug-09-2017 10:52 AM12 replies
Favourite Dinosaur From Each Continent
Aug-08-2017 6:54 PM15 replies
Our thoughts on Advent ?
Aug-06-2017 6:27 AM68 replies
When will we see our 1st Godzilla 2 teaser?
Aug-06-2017 4:59 AM10 replies
David-Ash Dream Connection
Aug-05-2017 10:32 AM9 replies
How to save the franchise
Aug-04-2017 9:19 PM85 replies
Alien: Covenant - Member Reviews
Aug-04-2017 3:49 AM17 replies
Is the Alien Biomechanical?
Aug-04-2017 2:56 AM12 replies
Yes, there are small eggs on the table...
Aug-03-2017 4:04 PM10 replies
Aug-03-2017 8:23 AM16 replies
David's Lab (Blu-Ray Teaser): David explains what the black goo is.
Aug-02-2017 9:53 PM48 repliesPINNED
Explain your user name (time to lighten up)
Aug-01-2017 7:29 PM48 replies
It Is a Banana
Jul-31-2017 5:06 PM14 replies