Forum Topic

AdminAtmanNov-30-2012 12:02 AMWith the 5 Pacific Rim Jaegers revealed via schematic blue-prints, we here at want to know what [b]Jaeger[/b] design the fans like most and why! So have a look at the 5 Jaegers and their corresponding names below and reply to this topic with your vote for favored Jaeger design!
[u]The Pan Pacific Defense Corps[/u] - [b]Jaegers[/b]
[url=]Gipsy Danger[/url]
[url=]Coyote Tango[/url]
[url=]Cherno Alpha[/url]
[url=]Striker Eureka[/url]
[url=]Crimson Typhoon[/url]
Click each Jaeger's name to view their blue-print schematics file in the [url=/gallery/]Pacific Rim Movie Gallery[/url]!
So, what's your favorite [b]Jaegers[/b] design? And why?
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
22 Replies

MemberNoobNov-30-2012 6:27 AMStriker Eureka for sure.
�That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.� ~ H.P. Lovecraft

MemberNoobNov-30-2012 1:16 PMI like the Striker Eureka, because this is like the Japanese Mecha of the 90s (and Yeah, I know that is supposed to be Australian :D)

MemberNoobNov-30-2012 4:47 PMStriker or Gypsy man. I can't decide. They're all awesome to me. I can't wait to see the scale in action. I wonder what it will visually look like.

Indy John
MemberNoobDec-07-2012 1:45 PMRussian Jaeger - Cherno Alpha gets my vote. I like the full head protection and the balanced look of the rest of the body,
' It looks like it can kick a** and take names later.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

AdminAtmanDec-07-2012 8:55 PMI like the Russian Jaeger, Cherno Alpha too [b]Indy John[/b], he looks the most "unique". I also agree with you, he looks like he's built to deliver some serious damage. The extra armor on the head also gives him a pretty badass look.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Indy John
MemberNoobDec-08-2012 9:42 AM@Shambhala
I took another look at rhe Striker Eureka design since you liked it.
My concern is that his head seemed buried in the body with large amouts of armor that would,hinder vision.
We can assume that there is some sort of video system to keep the pilots(I don'y know if that is the right word) aware of surroundings so why have a head at all if it is going to buried below the high shoulder and chest plating.
If not then raise up the head to get a better persoective of the field of action
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberNoobDec-09-2012 7:33 PMStriker Eureka for sure. Finally Australia doesn't draw the short straw!

Indy John
MemberNoobDec-10-2012 5:34 AMI always thought that Austrailia was a pretty cool place,, Didn't realize you were short changed in the entertainment field.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberNoobDec-13-2012 1:29 AMThe Russian Jaeger looks like it can take some serious punishment while dealing it out too. And the Chinese Jaeger's multiple arms make it look like it could fight a couple opponents at once.

MemberNoobDec-17-2012 9:18 AMI like Cherno Alpha's originality. But my heart goes to Crimson Typhoon. I wasn't a big fan after the blueprints release, but the few seconds we've seen it move in the trailer made me fall in love. I like the design, I love the moves.

MemberNoobJan-23-2013 4:05 PMi like striker but then i like gypsy because to me it has that unique look to it.

MemberNoobJun-19-2013 4:37 PMCan't decide between Cherno Alpha and Gipsy Danger. They're both rad as ****. Cherno has this big head and Gipsy reminds me of Master Chief in steroids.

MemberNoobJun-25-2013 9:50 AMKinda hard to pick since they all have sweet qualities in 'em ... I might wanna go with Striker Eureka :D.
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MemberNoobJul-17-2013 5:00 PMCherno Alpha for me! Mark I Jaeger but still dishing out hell! Gotta love those [url=]Russian drivesuits[/url]! :D

MemberNoobJul-18-2013 5:31 AMCherno for me too... it looks NUCLEAR. Dunno, but I just love it, it's different. NECA please make a Cherno action figure... I'll buy.

Royal Archon
MemberNoobJul-24-2013 5:09 PMThe others are sleeker but I've gone for Coyote Tango, it was cool when it turned up and I'm a stickler for older designs of things.

MemberNoobDec-30-2013 10:05 PMCherno Alpa is my favorite but i really wish they had a blueprint of Chrome Brutus.
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