Happy Hormones

Cool Godzilla
Member2KOct-15-2022 11:23 PMHello everyone, my name is Cool Godzilla and today I would like to share some info. Our body is capable of releasing good hormones that bring a lot of benefits, hormones including Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphin, and Adrenaline. First of all, Dopamine is released when you achieve something like for example, finishing all of your homework or getting a good grade on an important test. This Hormone makes you have a positive mind, it makes you want to push forward and do better next time, aka determination. Second of all, Serotonin is released when you are hanging out with your loved ones. I am not that familiar with this hormone but I still know what it can do. Serotonin can give you the feeling of being loved. Third of all, Serotonin is released when exposed to nature. This might explain why our ancient ancestors didn't have serious stress, it makes your mood more stable and positive. Forth of all, Endorphin is almost like Serotonin but different because Serotonin is released when you are doing an active movement, while Endorphin is produced after doing an active activity. Endorphin makes you more relaxed and have a positive mind. Last of all, the most common adrenaline that I know. Adrenaline is released from your Adrenal glands which are on top of our kidneys. Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, and is released when you feel nervous, anxious, scared or excited. Adrenaline makes your body be ready for action or prepare for an event by increasing the amount of sugar in the blood, raising blood pressure and heart rate, increasing breathing and dilating the pupils of the eyes. Welp, that's all for today. Chris said that articles that are not about science fiction or movies or games, etc are usually not approved so I decided to put my article in the topic section. I will write more info for you guys soon, bye! :)

Cool Godzilla
Member2KOct-15-2022 11:29 PMI hope this is helpful! :D