Replicants vs Synthetics

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphNov-02-2021 10:04 AMAs the title of this topic says, who would win in a fight?
Replicants from Blade runner, or synthetics from Alien.
Both are similar in concepts and have superhuman strength and other abilities that would make the strongest humans look like wimps in comparison.

MemberDeaconNov-03-2021 6:08 AMThis is a TOUGH QUESTION
It depends on IF we are talking about Physically.
We have to Remember that David the Synthetic is Smaller than Sapper Morton the Replicant. I would say vs a Replicant like Roy Batty then Synthetics like David and Ash and Bishop would be Stronger, it seems Synthetics are Quicker.
So you could have a 6ft5" same Build as Morton in a Synthetic and with that Extra Bulk you could have more Power/Strength in the Synthetic Muscles etc to make a Synthetic that would TOSS the Engineers around like RAG DOLLS.
Replicants are Organic, and so would TAKE LESS say Damage than a Synthetic, and have a Degree of Mortality compared to a Synthetic. If your Synthetic looses its Legs its Easier to Repair/Replace than if this Happened to a Organic Replicant.
So my VOTE is a Synthetic.
If you NEEDED someone to BLEND IN and NOT be able to TELL them apart from a Human (Espionage say) then THIS is where a Replicant is better. To Discover/Uncover if someone is a SYNTHETIC or NOT is much Easier.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianNov-03-2021 11:01 AMThen we have the more advanced synthetics from the expanded universe in the forms of Jerri the synthetic xenomorph, AVP classic's xenoborgs and the big roboticesque combat synthetic Dean

MemberDeaconNov-04-2021 6:07 AM"Jerri the synthetic xenomorph"
Oh my GOD!.........
LOL this would make the Franchise more of a Joke than AVPR.... but in Context to Synthetic Xenomorphs then YES.. as FAR as Re-Engineering their DNA but if i see a Cigar Smoking, Wise Cracking Joke Xenomorph then i am DONE lol
But within Context to the Franchise then YES i would say Artificial Beings have their Place, they would be VITAL to some Situations... Expendable.
As FAR as the Creation of some Super Strong Tall Synthetics/Robots like Dean then i think that YES the Company could Create such a thing... these would be a BIG PROBLEM if they became Sentient like we see with David and also Roy Batty etc.
Replicants could be VERY STRONG too if you Engineered a 8-10ft version of say MORTON.....
Which is WHAT i think the Prometheus Engineers were..... a Sub-Created or Evolved Version of the Engineers (Planet 4) and so the Engineers version of a Sapper Morton which seems what RS was going for.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianNov-04-2021 6:42 AMWell Jerri was a robot that merely looked like a xenomorph, personally I like Jerri, reminds me of Bender from Futurama.
As for MORTON being the size of DEAN.
Dean would still win out because unlike the replicant who are organic which would come with all the baggage of a 8-10ft tall human; Dean being a synthetic wouldn't have this problem

MemberDeaconNov-05-2021 9:09 AMOh! that would Explain it lol
I think you have to ASK as to WHY would you Create a Robot Xenomorph Clone as WHAT ADVANTAGE does the Aesthetic have for a KILLING MACHINE?
Two Arms, Two Legs, a Tail and Razor Sharp Claws/Fangs/Jaw but you would NOT have to have it look Exactly like a Xenomorph.
UNLESS...... you are Attempting to Create something that can MIMIC a Xenomorph to Infiltrate a Hive for whatever reason.
Regarding Dean... i think its the same as say Davis vs Roy Batty... a Synthetic/Robot within the SAME KIND of Body Frame/Size should be Superior as far as Physically
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphNov-05-2021 10:12 AMor you just wanna make a xenomorph robot because why not i guess

MemberPraetorianNov-05-2021 11:24 AM"UNLESS...... you are Attempting to Create something that can MIMIC a Xenomorph to Infiltrate a Hive for whatever reason."
I believe this is Jerri's core function, I need to reread that comic its been years