Reaper's Wineglass
MemberNoobSep-08-2021 5:26 PMHello. I was wondering if the option to create blogs on Scified is still here. Can you create blogs on this site these days? I've searched everywhere on the site and I can't find the option anywhere so I assume it's gone. Some confirmation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

AdminAtmanSep-09-2021 5:01 PMThe feature still exists but we're reserving this option to vetted members who show they can provide quality content on a regular basis. Previously we had it open so any member could create their own blog and it was not used appropriately or to the desired effect for which it was intended. For aspiring writers, this process can be expedited but we require you to reach out directly via private message or email.

MemberNoobOct-11-2021 2:04 PMI hope to be able to use this feature someday, as I have a great idea for a blog

Cool Godzilla
Member2KAug-18-2022 2:53 AMOh, that's why I couldn't make a blog.