Actual Scientific Ways Space Travel Could Work

Member2KMay-25-2021 10:35 AMDisclaimer: I am not a professional or actual expert on the subject, my knowledge consists of research when I’m bored. And also this is also theoretical science, meaning there is much evidence to support it, but it’s definitely proved.
Ok moving on.
In any movie involving space travel, you have probably heard the term, Hyperspace, or light speed travel. Well Space Travel isn’t that easy. The Planet, Kepler-452b would take around 28 Million years to get to at the speed of light. Space Travel is dangerous too, astronauts risk their lives every day just by being there. So if Space Travel takes way too long and that’s enough time for bad things to happen, how could we ever travel? I have thought of two methods.
Wormholes are not confirmed to exist, so therefor this is not a viable option with our current understanding. But If they do exist, we could easily use them to travel and explore other planets.
Also not real with current technology, but if we did figure it out then we could just wait out the long travel. Of course we’d need some type of protection.
If you have any ideas I’d love to hear them.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-27-2021 3:54 PMi dont know minecraft ytbers lol