Actual Scientific Ways Space Travel Could Work

Member2KMay-25-2021 10:35 AMDisclaimer: I am not a professional or actual expert on the subject, my knowledge consists of research when I’m bored. And also this is also theoretical science, meaning there is much evidence to support it, but it’s definitely proved.
Ok moving on.
In any movie involving space travel, you have probably heard the term, Hyperspace, or light speed travel. Well Space Travel isn’t that easy. The Planet, Kepler-452b would take around 28 Million years to get to at the speed of light. Space Travel is dangerous too, astronauts risk their lives every day just by being there. So if Space Travel takes way too long and that’s enough time for bad things to happen, how could we ever travel? I have thought of two methods.
Wormholes are not confirmed to exist, so therefor this is not a viable option with our current understanding. But If they do exist, we could easily use them to travel and explore other planets.
Also not real with current technology, but if we did figure it out then we could just wait out the long travel. Of course we’d need some type of protection.
If you have any ideas I’d love to hear them.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 11:10 AMWell there is an actual way to hibernate. Doctors sometimes take out a patient's blood and put in chilled salt water (saline) to chill their bodyand put them to sleep to drastically decrease the risk of brain damage. If they create a program that will put their blood back and take the saline out in, let's say, 40 years, it might work.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert!

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 11:13 AMThe protection could be people who are woken up periodically and let's say, stay awake for a year, then the next people are woken up and the person who was awake goes back into hibernation.

Member2KMay-25-2021 11:41 AMHow do we prevent aging though?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 12:52 PMWell if the heart is not beating how can people age?

Member2KMay-25-2021 12:58 PMkeeping the cells alive, you’d need to keep them from diving, or find a way to keep them from breaking when they die, so you could jump start them
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KMay-25-2021 1:00 PMalso I didn’t address the fact that Traveling faster than the speed of light is impossible. This is the fact because beyond it, Space time doesn’t exist
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 1:05 PMsooo...everyone becomes tardigrades

Member2KMay-25-2021 1:17 PMTardigrades aren’t immortal, they still age. they just have high resistance
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 1:49 PMOr you could keep them on bypass. The blood is flowing but a machine is flowing it for them.

Member2KMay-25-2021 1:50 PMYes but the cells would need to stay alive and stop dividing, that’s what causes aging
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 1:54 PMah, hmmmmm.

Member2KMay-25-2021 1:54 PMor we could kill them, then jumpstart them. The only problem is cells break apart when they die
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 2:00 PMKilling them and jump starting them would be a bit weird because it probably won't work after they have been dead for 10+ years.

Member2KMay-25-2021 2:02 PMwhy not, the atoms are still there, ready to be a chemical reaction. But the cells breaking is the problem
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-25-2021 2:04 PMWhat about Rigor Mortis?

Member2KMay-25-2021 2:07 PMisn’t permanent, and that doesn’t account for cell damage
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Member2KMay-25-2021 6:13 PMRigor Mortis Tends to last only four days
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 6:26 PMyou dare defy the tardigrades p e a s a n t
ok im kidding but uhhh...i dunno science...i like science, and i want to know more about it, but uuh yeah not yet im not quite there

Member2KMay-25-2021 6:39 PMScience is weird, nature is weird, the universe is weird, but one thing trumps all the universe in weirdness
p e o p l e
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 6:43 PMy e s
wait, i've been reminded of something...Immortal jellyfish anyone? are they actually immortal (as in, 'resetting' their age) or is that just a catchy name

Member2KMay-25-2021 6:48 PMthat’s a thing, but technically they just get young then old then young and again and again
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 6:53 PMso...basically immortal
they can still die, just i don't think of age. maybe though.
also turns out there are a few other things that can do that
heres a thing on it
maybe we could do something with this?

Member2KMay-25-2021 6:59 PMHmmm, maybe I’ll read wikipedia and the sources, because wikipedia isn’t completely reliable
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 7:14 PMyeah i get that xd
i think i once met someone who was a regular editor on wikipedia that was fun
i usually use it for personal research (ie fun) so for me if its not completely right i dont really mind
but here we're doing SCIENCE

Member2KMay-25-2021 7:22 PMScience bros You’ll see why i put this vid here
its not a rickroll
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberConversationalistMay-25-2021 7:30 PMSCOTT NOOOOOO

Trash panda
MemberConversationalistMay-27-2021 3:09 PMAll of my knowledge comes from movies tho. But I like everyone's ideas.

Member2KMay-27-2021 3:30 PMInterstellar is vera very very very very very accurate
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst