Introducing Forum Ranks and new use for XP points!

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AdminAtmanMay-05-2021 12:27 PM

I've officially implemented a forum ranking system! Each member's rank is determined by the amount of XP (Experience Points) they've acquired from contributing content to any of our hosted forums! Everything you post gains you XP, but certain contributions do gain more (new topics earn higher XP than replies to a topic, for example).

As a result of this update I have also improved user profile pages as well as the log in tab and your min-profile displayed at the top right of every page once logged in. Clicking the circular profile icon will toggle either the log in form, or it will show your new mini-profile:

As you can see, I've now added a visual bar under your profile pic which measures how far along you have progressed to your next rank! This bar is also displayed on user profile pages so you can see how far along your friends are to their next rank promotion!

Profile pages have also been revised and now display links for a user's recent activity, topics created, blog posts contributed, blogs owned and movie reviews submitted. Clicking each one will show the respective content you're looking for. I have also added a Private Message button, improving upon the previous link for the same function:

These new ranks will be displayed under your name on every topic you create and every reply you make, across the entire Scified network.

Different Rank Titles on Different Forums

Obviously, with numerous different communities themed after different movie franchises, it's natural that the ranks are reflective of whatever forum you're on. So, while all the ranks are synchronized and their values remain the same, their titles do change based on which forum you're on or viewing. Ranks on the Alien forum will be based on the Alien life cycle, whereas ranks on the Godzilla forums are based on different Monsters in relation to their power.

You will start to see a number of new functions for XP points in the coming weeks, as well as a revised member leader boards which will help track and display which members are in the lead and which ones have achieved the highest ranks on that forum!

Some upcoming uses for XP will also include gifting and trading for goods and prizes on Scified! Think of it as, a fictional currency as well as a representation of your contributions to the forum. Additional perks and promotions will be unveiled soon as well. Some of which - will be quite substantial!

With this update will also come a harsher crack down on spam - as we want to award XP for quality content, not lazy, spammy content. So please, if you are going to contribute, please contribute meaningful things! Soon, members will be able to award you additional XP as a result which will further add to your social standing on Scified and make you eligible for better prizes!

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. I hope everyone enjoys this latest update! More on the way soon!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
5 Replies


Member2KMay-10-2021 2:56 PM

This is interesting.

“Some upcoming uses for XP will also include gifting and trading for goods and prizes on Scified! Think of it as, a fictional currency as well as a representation of your contributions to the forum. Additional perks and promotions will be unveiled soon as well.”


This has me particularly excited

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


AdminAtmanMay-10-2021 5:33 PM

As it should! To begin, I plan to offer monthly raffles where members can enter if they meet the required XP rank and from that gift shirts, mugs, toys, phone cases, etc... As we expand I'm looking to create partnerships with various suppliers to give fans more opportunity to win / earn a wider variety of products. It should be fun!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


Member2KMay-10-2021 5:37 PM

That sounds interesting what does gifting to others mean? If that doesn’t spoil too much

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Reaper's Wineglass

MemberNoobSep-02-2021 1:58 PM

Will you be able to create blogs when you get to a high enough rank?


AdminAtmanSep-02-2021 5:02 PM

The ability to create blogs will be available again soon, yes. The rank to unlock that feature has yet to be determined but it will be high.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
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