Zilla Chronicles

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-14-2021 12:00 PMThis is an alternate universe where Zilla’s parent (parent of Zilla from Godzilla 1998) came from a meteor and crashed into the earth during the late Cretaceous 72 million years ago. She was roughly 25 feet tall, 60 feet long, and 12 tons. The Zilla species can only grow past that size if they come into contact with extreme radiation. She asexually reproduced (yes that can happen without a mate) and laid one egg. But she didn’t want anyone to challenge her rule over the land masses (which she only found out AFTER she laid the egg, being the 18 meter dick that she is) so she left the egg by itself in the wild and went into the hollow earth to grow, expecting the egg to be eaten by carnivores. The egg soon hatched and Zilla was born. This is The Zilla Chronicles.
Note: some of these facts, times, and habitats are told wrong for the pleasure of the reader. So sit back, relax, and don’t take it too seriously.
A huge, two-meter tall egg sat in the jungle. Birds made sounds all around them. An ankylosaurus herd sat nearby, drinking from a river. The egg was just sitting there when a quetzalcoatlus saw the egg and swooped down to eat it. Thinking that this was going to be its meal, a sound came out, sort of like a tapping noise. Tap. Tap. Tap. The quetzalcoatlus approached cautiously, confused by the sound. The tapping stopped and the large pterosaur walked over and tried to pick the egg up, but it could not. It tried for a minute or so but it still could not lift the egg. Agitated, the quetzalcoatlus stabbed the egg with its beak, hoping to break the shell and eat what was inside. The shell broke open, and was something inside. The pterosaur looked back on its last egg meal, recalling that the creature should not be this big or developed already. The quetzalcoatlus ignored that thought and lifted its beak out of the ruptured egg. A small noise came out of the dark egg, sort of like a whine. The quetzalcoatlus kicked the egg and it broke apart on a tree. The creature, covered in fluid, stood up and stumbled out of the shadows. It was the size of a deinonychus and it had long arms with opposable thumbs. Small spikes start small on its neck and become big on its back and back to small down though its tail. It resembled a theropodal creature. This was Zilla. He would grow to be the biggest of his species over tens of millions of years in the hollow earth. Zilla shook his head and body to get the fluid off of it. The quetzalcoatlus tilted its head at the Zilla with confusion as it had never seen something so large and peculiar before out of an egg. Zilla tilted his head back at the creature. The quetzalcoatlus walked toward ZIlla to take him back to its mate. Zilla squirmed back and forth as vigorously but the pterosaurs’ claws did not let go. On the other hand, the quetzalcoatlus was wondering how its claws did not pierce the thick skin of Zilla.
The quetzalcoatlus dropped Zilla into its nest near an African swamp a few hours later from a height that any other dinosaur that size would die from, but Zilla stayed alive and looked up at the quetzalcoatlus with anger. The male quetzalcoatlus, dropped down from the sky after dropping Zilla and the female, walked toward Zilla. There was a patch of eggs behind the female. Surrounded by two giraffe-tall pterosaurs, Zilla was doomed. He heard a river nearby. Zilla roared as loud as he could and looked directly at the male quetzalcoatlus. The two quetzacoatli took a few steps backward. They approached again and started harassing Zilla with a series of beak jabs. Zilla tanked a few of the jabs without little effort but the male quetzalcoatlus lifted off the ground and landed on Zilla with extreme force. The female walked away, thinking that the male would kill Zilla. This maneuver was repeated over and over, but Zilla stayed alive. The tired male stopped jumping and looked at Zilla. There was a crater under Zilla but Zilla opened his eyes and jumped on the male, its claws ripping through the pterosaur’s fur and skin. Zilla slashed with his arms and legs over and over again, carving into the quetzalcoatlus’ chest cavity. Soon, the quetzalcoatlus was dead and Zilla was eating it. The female walked over to the sound of the commotion and screeched in anger at the sight of Zilla standing over the dead male’s body. Zilla turned around and looked at the charging quetzalcoatlus. He turned around to see the quetzalcoatlus lifting into the air and flying away, just to come back at ZIlla flying and breakneck speed. Zilla ducked under the speeding quetzalcoatlus and let his back spikes do the rest. The female quetzalcoatlus’ chest was cut open and all of its vital organs were exposed. The quetzalcoatlus groaned weakly and died from blood loss and sock.
The quetzalcoatli and the eggs would feed Zilla for another two days, occasionally going to the swamp to get some water. One time, Zilla saw two huge creatures on two legs with some kind of sail on its back with eggs near the tree line. Interested, Zilla moved closer to the creatures and saw that cracks were appearing on the eggs. The creatures sat eagerly, waiting for something to come out of the egg. Something clicked in ZIlla’s keen mind and he realized that he had just been that egg a few days ago. But he wondered where his two creatures that waited eagerly for him to hatch. A head poked through the eggshell and the male creature nuzzled the female. Three other eggs hatched that day and Zilla was mesmerized. By the time Zilla decided to go back to the quetzalcoatli, it was already sundown. He went back and saw that the corpses were gone. Looking around, ZIlla could see well in the night, being specially evolved to see in darkness. He could see a big, three-toed footprint in the mud. Zilla sniffed that air and remembered the scent of the quetzalcoatli and followed where it led.

James Inkton 2
MemberNoobApr-18-2021 2:35 PMThe specie of Zilla is called Titanus Kamijira which Die hard spino fan stole from Kamoebas, the Xilla love interest hates Zilla at 1st but then is lovers with her.

James Inkton 2
MemberNoobApr-18-2021 2:39 PMYou banned me for exposing you lol Imagine banning someone from the discord group cuz you are right

Kamoebas V.6

Member2KApr-18-2021 3:01 PMLet's remain civil, please don't spoil people's fanfiction stories thats not right

James Inkton 2
MemberNoobApr-19-2021 4:50 AMyou idiots die hard spino Is stealing ideas and BLACKMAILING PEOPLE LIKE ME who are good she is a bad person and an idiot

Kamoebas V.6
MemberInitiateApr-19-2021 4:51 AMStop lying she did nothing wrong,and also stop being rude by the way you might get banned in a few days.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-19-2021 4:51 AMREALLY?

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-19-2021 4:51 AMREALLY?

Die-hard Spino Fan

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-19-2021 4:58 AMThis is the chain of messages this ****ing child sent me.

AdminAtmanApr-19-2021 7:49 AMThis topic is getting derailed. This kind of arguing and name calling is not permitted. Locking this for a few days. If the name calling and harassing continues, bans will he handed out. Remain civil. If you have questions, send me a message directly.

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-28-2021 12:34 PMCHAPTER 6
This chapter will be told from Xilla’s point of view.
Images flashed through Xilla’s mind. Rocks flying through the air. Cracks in the ground. Her species running away from certain death. The meteor containing Xilla had just crashed on to Earth. But that was not what she had been seeing. She had been frozen in space for weeks, months even. She felt immense anger and sadness. She had lost something, but did not know what. Xilla opened her eyes and shook her head to clear her vision and to focus them. She tried to stand up but her arms and legs were too weak. She used all of her strength to stand up and she stretched her spine. Xilla saw something in front of her. As soon as she saw him, she felt anger but she didn’t know why. She roared at him to go away. Zilla stood confused about who she was, how she got here, and why she was mad.
Xilla stormed off into the jungle, hangry and confused. She had glimpses of what she had seen before, but she couldn’t make out what they were. Xilla knew that something had happened to her home world. Something had destroyed it but she didn’t know what.
Xilla was in South America. Xilla heard something behind her. Like a twig snapping but she didn’t know what a twig snapping sounded like. So she shrugged it off. Xilla continued to walk but another twig snapped. Xilla knew something was up. She thought it was Zilla following her again so she continued walking. Xilla smelled a scent, of something she had never seen before. A certain sauropod. She continued walking and she sped it up to a jog, thinking that there was something behind her but there was nothing. Then she heard growling behind her.
Xilla spun around quick but not quick enough. Three Mapusauruses rammed into her side and pushed her to the ground. She landed on her side and at that angle she could see that the Mapusauruses were thin. Their ribs were showing. They haven’t eaten in weeks. Xilla almost considered letting the Mapusauruses kill her because then they could feed their family consisting of a male adult and a female adult, a male teenager, and three chicks. Xilla was MUCH bigger than the Mapusauruses, weighing at 12 tons while the Mapusauruses weighed around 9 tons in total. Xilla kicked at the teenager, sending him stumbling back. Xilla then swung her long tail around and slapped the female in the face, disorienting her for a few seconds. Xilla then stood up, pushing the male off of her neck as he was trying to bite it. She roared as loud as she could but the Mapusauruses did not retreat. But then Xilla realized that if she killed the Mapusauruses she could eat them after. Xilla was more of a peaceful type of animal because of her overdeveloped brain and not needing to fight anything back on her home planet, but her primal instincts showed up due to her hunger and she charged toward the teenager.
The teenager was too slow and he got hit by a 12-ton animal moving 15 miles per hour. Xilla rammed his rib cage and sent a shard of rib into his left lung, severely injuring him. The adult male jumped up and grabbed Xilla’s neck with his jaws and bit down as hard as he could. His teeth cracked and he let go, walking back. The adult female then attacked, with the ferocity of a mother trying to protect her hatchlings. Xilla tried to defend the ferocious mother and succeeded. The mother kept on clawing at Xilla and ramming her but it had little to no effect. Xilla then pushed the mother down and put her foot on the female’s thigh. Xilla then shifted her weight to crush the carcharodontosaurid, and it worked. The ribs broke and the body was squished. Blood sprayed everywhere. Xilla didn’t mean to kill the female and she immediately felt bad about it. Xilla turned around and looked toward the injured teenager and the male. Xilla then went over to where the chicks were hiding and picked them up. She put the chicks down in front of the male and walked away, leaving the whole reason why she started this fight. Food.
Xilla walked for hours and followed the scent of a sauropod. Xilla made her way into a clearing and saw HUGE animals that towered over her. Argentinosauruses. She desperately needed food. Xilla looked between the legs of the giant sauropod and saw some more mapusauruses, and they didn’t even try to kill the aregentinosaurus. They just bit its leg, took a chunk off, and walked away. Like snacking. Xilla did the same thing and within a few minutes, one of the aregentinosauruses bled out. Xilla guessed she had taken too big of a bite and one too many. She ate some more of the aregentinosaurus while fighting off mapusuaruses and went to sleep near the tree line of the clearing.
Xilla had a dream that night. She was underground, thanks to the tunnels her species made in case of acid rains. Xilla was on her home planet and it was raining heavily outside. She had just come back from learning with the elders. She and her family sat underground, just chilling until her comrades yelled loudly. She stuck her head out of the burrow and acid rain plastered on her head. Smoke rose from Xilla’s head but as long as you don’t get it in your eyes, it’s ok. Xilla looked around and saw her friend looking behind Xilla. There was something there. It looked like the sun was setting but it was not bright and it was much closer. It was a rogue planet. But none of them knew that so when the rogue planet started heating up due to the ozone layer of her planet, it turned orange. Xilla, now scared, went back into her burrow and told her family. They stuck their heads out and saw the smaller rogue planet barreling towards them at lightning speed. The planet impacted with theirs and sent huge cracks through the rock. Their planet was breaking apart. The rumbling was so loud that Xilla was struggling to stay on her feet. Huge cracks appeared next to her and everything went black.
Xilla opened her eyes and looked around. It was dark and heard slurping next to her. Xilla had not eaten the full argentinosaurus so there was some risk of something coming to eat it. Xilla stood up slowly and made her way to the sound. She readied herself for a fight, but it was only Zilla. Xilla roared at him to go away but Zilla did not go away. Zilla asked how she got here.
Xilla said, “I landed here on a meteor.”
“My mother did too,” Zilla replied. “I recently killed her.”
Xilla was astonished that he killed his own mother. She couldn’t imagine doing something like that because she loved her mother. Xilla asked why.
“She said she didn’t want me and tried to kill me so I killed her,” Zilla said.
Xilla asked where he killed his mother. Zilla said to follow him. Zilla was a bit hungry so he walked toward the mapusauruses that Xilla fought yesterday and ate their babies.
“WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” Xilla roared. Her roar woke up most of the valley.
“What do you mean? I was hungry so I ate the easiest thing to eat.” Zilla said innocently.
“I was taught not to kill creatures that could fight back.” Xilla said proudly. “It won’t be fair for them.”
“Fair? What does that mean?” Zilla said.
“It means that if something is not fair, either you or the other thing will win.” Xilla said.
“Ohhh. You mean because the babies couldn’t fight back, it was not fair for them?” Zilla stated.
They kept on walking and swimming until Zilla lead Xilla down into the only entrance he know of the hollow earth.
“What is this place?” Xilla asked.
“This is the place that makes you grow whenever you sleep here. To sleep for a long time and to grow very big you have to be in this area.” Zilla said.
“Ugh, I’m feeling sleepy.”
“Yeah, that happens. There’s something about this place that makes us feel like that,” Zilla replied. “Want to get some food?”
“Follow me”
They walked for some time and climbed up to land. They were on an island with a lot of weird creatures. Lots of small winged creatures with long beaks. Lots of Titanus Kongs living in family groups. Big bison-like things, big spiders, small fast things, and many more. Zilla wanted to kill a juvenile Titanus Kong for the fun of it.
“No. Let’s find something easy to kill,” Xilla said.
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun!”
Xilla sighs, “Fine.”
“Ok, which one do you want to go afte-”
“That one!” Zilla bolted ahead and jumped on a juvenile Titanus Kong and stabbed it with his toe claws. The juvenile seemed to pass out but it was a trick. As soon as Zilla turned toward Xilla, the Titanus Kong jolted and launched Zilla back with its feet. Zilla landed on his side. As Xilla tried to go to help Zilla, something behind her hissed.
Zilla got up and faced the Titanus Kong. The Titanus Kong charged toward Zilla and Zilla charged forward also. The Titanus Kong jumped up and bashed Zilla’s skull. Zilla’s feet remained parallel to the ground but his head hit the ground hard. Zilla got back up and shook his head to clear his vision. It wasn’t fully cleared when he heard the Titanus Kong running from his left side and instinctively swung his tail in the direction of it. The Titanus Kong got hit and scratched by Zilla’s smaller plates on his tail.
Meanwhile, Xilla turned around to find a Mother Longlegs staring at her. Xilla tried to find a way out of this that will leave everybody unharmed, but she couldn’t find any. The Mother Longlegs dashed forward and Xilla lowered her head down the ram the gigantic spider. The spider stopped Xilla with its gigantic legs and pushed her to the ground. Xilla’s dorsal plates dug deep into the ground.
The Titanus Kong got up and saw Zilla charging toward it. The Titanus Kong stopped Zilla by grabbing his jaws and using Zilla’s own momentum to swing him around. Zilla landed and slid for a few meters before stopping and looking at the Titanus Kong dead in the eyes. Zilla wasn’t joking around anymore. He needed food, and he was going to get it.
Xilla felt sharp pains as the Mother Longlegs dug deeper into her hide. Xilla tried to get the legs off her but it didn’t work. Then, Xilla had an idea. She used her sharp claws to slash at the legs and finally succeeded in cutting them. Xilla then slammed her legs into Mother Longlegs’ abdomen. Xilla stood up and ran toward the Mother Longlegs. It was still disoriented from the kick so Xilla bit the Mother Longlegs in the face and chomped down as hard as she could. Juices flowed into her mouth and they tasted good.
Zilla ran towards the Titanus Kong and stopped suddenly, predicting that it would try and bash his head again. It tried to but failed. As the Titanus Kong was still trying to balance itself, Zilla chowed down on its head and swung it back and forth. The Titanus Kong was panicking, trying to get the Titanus Han-Kami to get off, but it didn’t work. With one final twist, Zilla cracked the Titanus Kong’s neck and let go.
Xilla walked up to him with the juices of the Mother Longlegs dripping from her mouth. She had drunk all of it but it still didn’t satisfy her hunger. Xilla told Zilla that she had killed the Mother Longlegs and they feasted on the dead Titanus Kong.
Soon, they went back to the hollow earth and came back to the place where Zilla had killed Jira and they wanted to hibernate. But, Xilla had a feeling that she couldn’t explain. Whenever she looked at Zilla, the feeling came back. The feeling made her heart beat faster, she would start sweating, and her throat would feel tighter. She would try and stifle the feeling but she couldn’t.
2 months later…
Xilla had laid an egg and they were ready to hibernate. The egg would only hatch when they would exit the chamber. They were huge now, 40 feet tall, 88 feet long, and 20 tons. They laid next to each other and closed their eyes as the door slammed shut.

Member2KApr-28-2021 11:52 PMcool, although the appearance of Kong surprised me since primates aren't supposed to evolve yet... I assuming this is the late cretaceous period?

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateApr-29-2021 7:07 AMOoohhhh. Oops. Yes this is the late Cretaceous period. I kind of forgot about that.

Kamoebas V.6
MemberInitiateMay-03-2021 12:14 PMNice chapter,sadly my fanfiction will get delayed a lot.I liked how it shifted perspectives.

Member2KMay-10-2021 2:58 PMwhat happens next?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-10-2021 3:59 PMFor what?

MemberConversationalistMay-10-2021 4:18 PMp o g g e r s.
actually you're inspiring me to actually get on with my own series :D

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-10-2021 4:41 PMOk. Nice. Do you have any suggestions I could do to improve on my writing skills?

MemberConversationalistMay-10-2021 4:59 PMhm..
I'll just say; you kind of refer to them by their first names a little to often. Simply using 'He' or 'She' (or any others), or even describing them might be a good idea.
hope that helps :0
also quick question should the kaiju in my story talk or no-

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-10-2021 6:01 PMOh ok. I thought I felt something off with the story telling. For me it would add a little bit more depth to the story if they t-

Member2KMay-10-2021 6:11 PMYay! it’s continuing?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan
MemberInitiateMay-10-2021 6:17 PMYes. For now.

MemberConversationalistMay-10-2021 6:51 PMyay
ok another friend said talking so we're doing that now-