Could "Sea monsters" really exist...?

MemberConversationalistJan-27-2020 6:42 PM(Is this the right forum? Let me know.)
Do you think sea monsters could really be out in the ocean? Think about it. We don't know much about the sea. We know more about space than our own ocean. You know the mysterious underwater sounds such as SlowDown, Julia, or the most popular, The Bloop? Could those be the calls of an undo***ented animal, or be proven?
What do you think? Or am I just rambling?
(I'm probably just rambling lol)

MemberLegendJan-27-2020 9:01 PMI watch a lot of nature do***entaries and it is staggering to see how many creatures big and small keep being discovered. But monsters? No- just things we haven't seen before.

MemberConversationalistJan-28-2020 5:00 AMKinda what I mean.
Thanks for making me not look crazy XD

MemberContributorJan-28-2020 5:36 AMSea monsters do exist. They're called bobbit worms.
A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

MemberConversationalistJan-28-2020 1:40 PMYeah there's some pretty odd things DOWN HERE IN THE DEEP BLUE SEEEEEEEEEEA!
Lol sorry about that.