I Meme Everything
Member2KNov-26-2017 6:50 PMDC has finally united their A-team in 2017's Justice League. But how do they compare to the 2012 movie that not only made a B-team superhero team famous, but also was a major benchmark for comic-book movies? We're going to find out in Movie vs Movie: The Avengers vs Justice League.
Round 1 - Main Protagonist
The MCU Iron Man and DCEU Batman are the closest characters either of these movies have to a single main protagonist. Both Iron Man and Batman in their respective continuities were major redemption points for their actors. Downey Jr. perfectly personifies the wise-cracking personality of Iron Man, while Affleck excellently embodies the pain and tragedy that drives Batman. So which one is better, the Armoured Avenger or the Dark Knight? While Batman is my second-favourite superhero after only Spider-Man, that is in the comics. In terms of movies, Iron Man wins because of the perfect casting choice in Robert Downey Jr. Not only does he look the part, but his charismatic and charming performance as Tony Stark is my second-favourite on-screen portrayal of a superhero after Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Sorry, Batfleck.
Winner: The Avengers
Round 2 - Main Antagonist
It really saddens me to call Steppenwolf garbage, because DC has some really great villains who have been ruined in the DCEU. The Joker, my second-favourite villain of all time after Darth Vader, has been reduced to...whatever the Hell Jared Leto was trying to be in Suicide Squad. Back to JL, Steppenwolf is the most bland, generic, cookie-cutter villain I've seen in a cbm since Ronan the Accuser. On the other hand, Loki is portrayed through Tom Hiddleston's charming performance.
Winner: The Avengers
Round 3 - Supporting Characters
Is this one really a contest either? Marvel Studios was smart and established Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, the Hulk, and Hawkeye before bringing them together. DC rushed and introduced the Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman all in one movie. While I enjoyed their performances, I had no investment in any of the JL members except the Trinity and kind of the Flash.
Round 4 - Story
Another win in favour of Marvel. As I said, DC tried to establish three members of the Justice League all in one movie. With Marvel having already introduced the Avengers in solo movies, they could seamlessly bring them together in one team. They took a realistic approach and had the members not get along before they united, while the JL pretty much got along right away.
Round 5 - Action
This is one of the more fair comparisons. Both have great action sequences, particularly the final battles. The final fight in Justice League is cool, until Superman shows up. Steppenwolf becomes his punching bag, making viewers question why Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman have to fight him. The Avengers showed the heroes uniting in a badass money shot before working together to take down an army.
Winner: The Avengers
Round 6 - Music
Neither of these movies stand out particularly. However, JL's score has callbacks to the 1989 Batman theme and the Christopher Reeves Superman theme. But The Avengers has Alan Sylvestri's memorable theme, which is still the best track of music from the MCU.
Winner: The Avengers
The Avengers is by far the superior movie. It was the culmination of five movies. Justice League tried to do too much too soon, and should've learned from Marvel.
"Part of the journey is the end..."
MemberContributorNov-26-2017 6:59 PMI agree with this outcome.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.
The Jurassic Bootleg
MemberInitiateNov-27-2017 7:04 AMOMG! dis guys iz payed bay marble! /s
Anyway I hadn't seen JL yet but I can already tell that The Avengers is a superior movie.
Godzilla Generations was a beautiful game! I loved the fact that there's a laser cannon inside of Dr. Serizawa's eyepatch.