Something Real
MemberLegendOct-17-2017 12:29 PMHello, there. While having a look about the web this day, I happened upon a bit of interesting information which I immediately desired to share with my friends, here, on SCIFIED! I have provided a link to the article below and I certainly hope you enjoy what you read should you choose to give it a look. :)

MemberContributorOct-17-2017 12:30 PMVery interesting, SR.
Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.

MemberLegendOct-25-2017 9:12 PMSomething Real I used to follow things like this very closely. Time and time again, there is never any proof and sightings have been debunked. The original 1960s BF was proven fraudulent. It seems some folks out there want to scam well meaning people. Ask them for actual PROOF with no anecdotal evidence or people saying they believe this or that. I wager you will get either the run around or no response at all. This goes for UFO sightings and weird river monters and Ghost sightings as well. They want to make names for themselves and hopefully profit from it too. After all, if there was empirical scientific proof, it would make headlines and media outlets would be clamoring for exclusive interviews.
"Jeffrey Gonzalez, a self-described paranormal expert, said he heard about the sighting from a local farmer who said he saw the creature and five others running on his ranch near Avocado Lake."
Think about that. Self described expert? Anyone can do that. Then it goes on to describe an anecdote. That one paragraph is all anyone needs to know that it is a load of BS.