Member2KOct-07-2017 3:06 PMWEEKEND PREVIEW: Debuting 35 years after the original, Blade Runner 2049 hopes to get October off to a good start on the heels of record numbers this past September.
Blade Runner 2049 and its reported, $150 million price tag, will debut in 4,058 North American theaters (third widest all-time) this weekend while Sony and partner Alcon Entertainment will deliver the film worldwide. Industry expectations are for a $100 million debut globally, with approximately 50% of that coming from the domestic opening as industry forecasts range from $45-55 million.
Major markets where the film will not be opening this week include South Korea (10/12), Japan (10/27) and China (11/10) with the film already having opened in Belgium, Switzerland and France yesterday.
FRIDAY AM UPDATE: Blade Runner 2049 got things started last night with $4 million from Thursday night previews, $800k of which came from IMAX screenings. For comparison, The Martian delivered $2.5 million from preview screenings and Gravity brought in $1.4 million before both films went on to open with over $54 million each. Another comp that carries weight is Mad Max: Fury Road, which brought in $3.7 million from Thursday night previews before its $45.4 million opening, Prometheus brought in $3.6 million (including $1 million from IMAX screenings) before its $51 million debut and Interstellar delivered $3.5 million before its $47.5 million opening.
SATURDAY AM UPDATE: With an estimated $12.7 million on Friday (including $4 million from Thursday night previews), Blade Runner 2049 is looking to come in well below expectations, targeting an opening anywhere from $31-36 million.

MemberRespectedOct-07-2017 3:35 PMReally bad news. I didn't want to go see it again so soon because it was too emotionally draining, but I guess I will have to because of its poor performance. I guess it will make for itself the same type of reputation as the first Blade Runner: a cult film not appreciated by everybody. Poor Ridley it doesn't matter if the movie is good or bad, the box office is not being kind to him. Now if this is why he wanted to wait two weeks to give some news about the Alien sequel, probably he will think things twice. Disregarding of how good an AI movie is, it is not a formula for success. I have the hopes the Awards season will give "Blade Runner: 2049" a boost. I hope movies like this continue to be made!

MemberContributorOct-07-2017 10:02 PMWell, did you really the movie? I broke my promise to myself to not see before the reviews and went to see it. The story did indeed suffer from a slight case of Covenantitis, but I did not hate it, the visuals were great but the story not so much.
Maybe with this the studios get rid of one hit wonder (a Marvel movie remaking a classic western) Michael Green.
I live in rather small city (90k inhabitants) in Romania, eastern Europe and in the first run of the film (at 7 in the evening) the only cinema was filled only to maybe 10-15%.

MemberRespectedOct-07-2017 10:51 PMYes, i watched it. I understand what you mean by Coventantitis. There was some contrivance and self importance, but the ideas and style on display made for an outstanding cinematic experience. "Blade Runner: 2049" is not on the same league as Alien Covenant. David portrayal cannot even start to scratch the surface of what they've done with Agent K and Joi. And still it seems a hard ticket to sell for the larger audience. This is going to be a big blow for Ridley Scott because he was looking to have another franchise with Blade Runner.

MemberContributorOct-08-2017 12:11 AMWell for me Covenantitis' worst syndrome is the killing off of characters (which you would normally care about) from the previous movie and then playing with their remains like a toy. I understand that they are bleak movies, but this is just plain disgusting.

MemberRespectedOct-08-2017 12:27 AMred0guy@gmail.com Oh you mean that. Well, to be honest with you I implanted myself fake memories so the first Blade Runner will forever be a stand alone film with no connections to any other film haha. Jokes aside, I don't feel the use of Rachel is the same case as Elizabeth Shaw in Covenant's. It didn't' feel like a business decision, it was more of an artistic decision. And of course we didn't get a butchered plastic dummy like in Covenant. I still don't know how I feel about the interrogatory though: on one hand I think it didn't make much sense but on the other had I think the scene was so eerie, like literally watching the worlds of Blade Runner 2019 and 2049 collide.

MemberContributorOct-08-2017 1:11 AMFor me, if they did make a film without any reference to the old one would have made the film from a 7 to a 9. I don't like forth wall breaking in a serious movie (The Olmos scene was just that ... Deckerd being retired? -in broken hungarian- and that he had a problem with his eyes?). And the Tears in the rain made me laugh not accentuate the drama, as in this new movie it is just a cliche.
And the inclusion of the digital inclusion of the Rachel "clone" is a bad omen. Now I feel that they won't help themselves to bring a young Ripley back in the next Alien movie, which for me at least is a very, very BAD idea.

MemberRespectedOct-08-2017 1:36 AMred0guy@gmail.com In my opinion, the only flaw of the film is that there was a little bit too much coincidence. It is like you are a detective and you only get good leads: it was all too convenient. However, the atmosphere was just so absorbing and beautiful; the set pieces were dazzling, and the novelty of having a main character [spoiler alert] who is a replicant who suspects he might be somehow human (and not the other way around like in the first movie) were engaging enough for me. I don't think the 4th wall has been broken though. It is like saying The Godfather part II would have broken the 4th wall if they brought back Brando or played the Nino Rota theme again. Now talking about money, I think the shocking box office under performance is going to have an effect on the Alien franchise.

MemberContributorOct-08-2017 1:55 AMI'm afraid that not only Alien, but also any big budgeted true sci-fi movie (meaning not superheroes in space).