Godzilla Movie

Describe your perfect Godzilla incarnation

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MemberBaragonApr-29-2017 6:47 AM

For me...

My Godzilla is evil. Like, Shin, GMK and 1954 kind of evil. This means that he's destructive just for the sake of being destructive, and goes out of his way to destroy and cause damage. His origin would be that he was a giant creature roaming the Earth in the prehistoric era, and he did in fact die. His ancient, undiscovered skeleton was on the seafloor during the nuclear tests, which causes micro organisms in the water to form around his skeleton and bring him back to life. In this movie, he be the largest Godzilla and the most powerful. His atomic breath would be INSANE. Every time he fires it, it causes a massive explosion - mushroom cloud and all. He can also release atomic pulses from his spines.

This would be his exact design - except he would have the tradition design - gray, not translucent skin and white spines:

That's my Godzilla. What would yours be like?

"Is that a monkey?"

3 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganApr-29-2017 8:25 AM

I'd use this fan design of '14 Godzilla:

He'd be massive, intimidating, and powerful, a benevolent force of nature. His atomic breath could obliterate a legion with one blast, and he also can emit nuclear pulses. My Godzilla would have RIDICULOUS endurance

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Sci-Fi King25

MemberGiganApr-29-2017 12:07 PM

I would have a Godzilla closer to the original or Heisei Godzilla- a force of nature. It could destroy a city trying to defeat an enemy or get to a nuclear reactor to feed. For design, I like the look of Stan Winston's scrapped design, but with a few aspects of previous designs and less reptilian. I think a turquoise atomic breath would be cool. The nuclear pulse would be another power it would use.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberBaragonApr-29-2017 12:48 PM

Nice topic. For myself, it's a godzilla design I've created using elements of my personal favorites. I think you'll find out what they are by viewing these drawings. And no, I'm not entirely done with them. Been busy with work.








http://hugeben.deviantart.com/  check out my gallery of Godzilla artwork! Follow me on Twitter@thebigbadben90.

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