Anyone notice David stood to the right in this pic

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 6:00 PMIf you look closely to the right in the dark you can see David, I can't bring up the brightness where I am but he's definitely there. I wonder what he's done to lure this guy into this situation...

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 6:33 PMHere is my take on this scene...
I believe David comes to the rescue of the downed crew after their Dropship is blown up. They are stranded as the Covenant crew cant get down to them right away. And we can see this through the trailer and the photos that were released. We know from the 15 minute footage that was shown, that the 2 Neomorphs in fact escape into the woods around the area. Well, these neomorphs come back to attack at night, thus as we saw on Twitter the security team on the ground with guns drawn, aiming at something, which we can know say are the Neomorphs that are still in the area. This is where David comes to the rescue of we think so, this is his introduction to us and to the crew. We see a mysterious figure coming toward the camera in a Engineer's cloak and possibly carrying a weapon that he picked up from a deceased crew member. I believe David helps by killing the Neomorphs. He then takes those who remain alive to a safe location until they can be rescued, thus a cave or where David has been staying...but David is not all heroic...He brings them there for darker reasons which leads us to the picture above...he leads Crudup into the part of the cave where the eggs are, the leaked pic that we seen months earlier and he stands back and just watches as Crudup is facehugged by the facehugger, thus becoming a host to the new Morph. There is a scene in the trailer where the camera is pulling back from a cave and we see a lump on the ground. That is I believe Crudup's character lying on the ground after the Facehugger attack. Unknown to the crew, they do not know what happened to Crudup and he makes it back aboard the Covenant and gives birth aboard the ship. Thus, we see his child, the Alien in shower with the couple, killing them, well, at least the husband as the girl escapes. I believe David will be doing a lot more as the Covenant ship will have 200 colonists on board.
Sorry for the lengthy post but yeah, David is staging the demise of the crew and in the process taking over the Covenant ship to use it for his own use or agenda.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 8:10 PMthat's Walter. Check out the dark hair.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-26-2016 6:36 AMIt's hard to tell. We know Walter is with them on the planet and we know David is somewhere. David would know by now that the crew is there aka, the big explosion and we see him coming up in the Engineers cloak. However, for Walter to stand there and not do anything is odd unless he has orders...but I would imagine that this is David. But we will find out in the next few trailers.

MemberFacehuggerDec-26-2016 9:32 AMDavid stayed blond. That guy clearly has brown hair.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberFacehuggerDec-26-2016 11:06 AMI assume the only way that there is a Covenant ship/mission is because David has disclosed the location of the home world with the sole intention of luring humans there to use as experiments. As for the hair color, who knows how much peroxide he could get his hands on in outer space. He dyed it watching Lawrence of Arabia...maybe it just grew out? If his hair grows...who knows

MemberDeaconDec-26-2016 6:45 PMIt could be David or Walter.
Money is on David as he was the only inhabitant found on Paradise... which surely would mean they encounter him prior to this Face Hugger Scene.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconDec-26-2016 6:49 PMI can only assume..
Crew of 10-12 land on Paradise go exploring, one of them gets infected but does not realize it... they maybe find David and ruins of the Juggernaught, then maybe they located David.
Then one of them becomes ill..... is rushed back to ship with 2-3 others.
David somehow gets some of them to come with him or stay with him and then we get the Face Hugger Scene...
David maybe arrives after and takes out the escaped Neomorphs.. which gains the trust of the crew?
I cant say David in the other scene using a Weapon on the crew as then we have to ask how does David or any Xenos get on the main ship...
Unless the crew are really stupid...
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphDec-26-2016 6:51 PMIt definitely could be Walter... Perhaps he just didn't know how to react to such a strange organism, so he stood watching...
Or its David... Maybe his dyed hair faded back to default brown...

MemberDeaconDec-26-2016 7:24 PMHaving TWO Davids with different hair would be a problem as far as effects, and by having the Fassbenders having their Hair Covered for a lot of scenes would allow them to get past this..
We also cant rule out they are going to show us David 8 has brown hair.... if its the route to copy Walter, we have to wander where he get the Dye.. but maybe a Female on the ship has some... but its how does David get away with this.
A ideal way would be to have David do so, in a way to mimic Walter just as he did with Lawrence of Arabia, it would add to a dynamic where creepy David is trying to copy Walter like how The Movie Single White Female is..
It would add to the dynamic between them and allow Fassbender more freedom and less shooting time if they had same hair for this reason.
He could have grown it out, if Synthetics can grow hair and natural color is brown.... But David Virals shows him with Blonde but this is not to say a Synthetic cant have different colors.
I hope they dont leave it was unexplained if they have the same color with no reason.... maybe they could.
And i doubt he would find Dye on Paradise, but who knows maybe he could make it out of natural plants etc... maybe like he could make Pen and Paper too LOL
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerDec-27-2016 5:07 AMYou'd be surprised how well wigs hide these days.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberNeomorphJan-06-2017 1:28 AMwho says david has to dye his hair?as an android he may have the ability to control the colour of his hair by himself, after all everything about him is artificial. the most obvious conclusion is david does something sinister with walter but what if it is infact walter on company orders who is the big threat?

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2017 6:03 AMmaybe his hair was dyed blonde to begin with, there is evidence in Prometheus that could be a possibility ...I know his hair is not real but after ten years I'm sure the dye would have faded off

MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2017 7:15 AM@ali81 he dyes his hair in Prometheus.
@Shasta cyclone fading by definition means something gets lighter. Blonde dye removes pigment, so it doesn't go away it just grows out, but David's hair doesn't grow.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberChestbursterJan-06-2017 7:58 AM@Mark 19052017
How did you brighten the pic so much?
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2017 9:23 AMdepending on what his fake hair is made of it can still wear off over a 10 year span.....if the term fading doesn't work. paint on a car, if its weathered over time it will fade/wear off to bare metal, no matter what color it is.

MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2017 10:12 AMMost plastics are clear or white before pigment is added. That would be the most likely outcome.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberChestbursterJan-06-2017 1:11 PMAre we absolutely certain the android hair doesn't grow? Bleaching usually damages the hair. David seemed to take care of his appearance. I find it difficult to imagine he would bring intentional damage to his only hair.

MemberFacehuggerJan-06-2017 2:35 PMSometimes in order to create, you must first destroy. ;)
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberDeaconJan-06-2017 6:42 PMNot sure i should be posting on here... i may do so in my Trailer thread... not to draw attention to it... but in case its spoilery.. as i will dissect the $"£%£$ out of it... and could indeed then lead to Plot spoilers..
Then again maybe how can a in depth look at trailers be spoiler? There is a lot of clues in the trailer.. easily missed... same as why a lot of people could not get Prometheus it took a lot of study and cross referencing..
I will comment on the Hair though...
Its a case of Aesthetics and Ease of shooting, it maybe would be a problem to a degree to have Fassbender don the Blonde Wig... to play David... Maybe why we are seeing Fassbender with various Hats, Cloaks and Hoodies.... to disguise that we have TWO different Hair colors...
Doing this limits exposure to seeing his real Hair... which means less time for Fassbender to go around with Blonde Hair..
But the Trailers can maybe be misleading us... maybe just maybe... we have not see David 8 YET?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJan-06-2017 6:45 PMAs indeed this shot alone... when study it, cross reference it... could potentially lead to a massive hint at the time-frame and plot of the movie.... and clues that well prove a nail in the coffin for the 4Chan leak
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberNeomorphJan-07-2017 1:20 AMI may be wrong but in the scene with the piano in it, where i believe the individual sitting in all white is a flash back of a convo between david and a younger weyland, is the colour of the seated individual not dark? by posture i conclude that fassbender is seated and pearce is standing.what is davids hair colour before he dies it in Prometheus?

MemberNeomorphJan-07-2017 1:24 AMi believe this is david, talking to a younger weyland. dark hair

MemberNeomorphJan-07-2017 1:30 AMif david is to impersonate walter in the film, which is what many people believe will happen, then it makes sense for the plot to show david at some point having dark hair, as it answers the question regard his hair colour straight away, his original hair colour is dark and the dye has washed out or degraded over the years so he has no need to dye it again to take walters place