AdminAtmanDec-18-2016 11:43 AMAs many of you have probably noticed, I've been rolling out various updates quietly across Scified over the last couple weeks, with more on the way.
One feature I'm considering creating is one that would allow you to view all replies made to topics you have started. Currently, we have the Activity Page which chronicles everyone's activity across the network in a convenient list, however this feature would be specific and unique to everyone's individual profile.
Is this something many of you would use? This would be in addition to the email notifications you receive when someone responds to a topic of yours (which you can disable in your profile).
Let me know. If enough members voice interest for it, I'll get started on creating the feature.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminLegendDec-18-2016 12:03 PMI could see this being useful. Any way to sort of see how many people use it by giving it a test run?

AdminAtmanDec-18-2016 12:26 PMI could in theory add a method of reporting how active the feature is, but that would delay its production and add would require more resources. It being more of a personal feature, I could just create it and leave it there for whoever wants it. It wouldn't be a publicly viewable page.