Godzilla Movie


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MemberBaragonOct-14-2016 8:30 PM

I watched the whole thing on Tuesday the 11th of October. I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did. A lot of dialogue explaining Gojira and what he more or less is. I was freaked out by the ending. Very creepy to say the least. But all in all.. it was..for TOHO anyway.. a true horror film. and I loved it as such. Now I have 2 G films that I look forward to seeing sequels for. Edward's entry was dry script wise.. where as TOHO's was script heavy. Edward's G was cool.. but not enough on screen destruction was on display. Where as TOHO's had destruction plenty. I take back what I said about shin gojira not being a true Godzilla film.. It is a true Godzilla film when likened to the first one. 

115 Replies

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaOct-14-2016 9:40 PM

I'll be speaking more on the film later, but I liked it. Didn't love it, but really liked it--My feelings toward it could go either way after the honeymoon period, so I'll be seeing it a couple more times. Overall it delivered about what I expected it to.

Glad you saw the light though. It was always going to be a "true Godzilla film." There wasn't a doubt about that.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 5:51 AM

I saw it I liked it, but it didn't blow me away. I want to watch it again, but the first drive was enough. Can't wait till it comes out on video so I can really watch it.

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-15-2016 7:20 AM

I didn't see the movie yet but i know the whole plot. I love hearing the thoughts of everyone about Shin Gojira! Me too at first i didn't like it but you get used to it and eventually you start to like it!

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Sci-Fi King25

MemberGiganOct-15-2016 8:02 AM

I thought it was a pretty good movie. I might see it again, but I'm not sure.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberGiganOct-15-2016 8:06 AM

People were hyping this up as the god of all Godzilla films. THE TRUE GODZILLA@!!!>L!1LL!

Good grief.


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 9:08 AM

^Same thing happened for Final Wars and G14 tbh.....


MemberGiganOct-15-2016 9:09 AM

Well Final Wars gave people everything they wanted, except a good story xD.

Good grief.


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 9:14 AM

Ehhhhhhhhhh maybe if you didn't want much even not considering the story


Final Wars is definitely a turn your brain off movie, sad for the 50th anniversary though, would have preferred Shin Gojira to take that spot, or even G14.

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-15-2016 10:28 AM

Final Wars's story isn't as good as the last ones were. Shin's aiming for the dark side like 1954. It also has great destruction scenes by judging on the leaked scenes.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

I Meme Everything

MemberGiganOct-15-2016 12:28 PM

Concur with both of Shiro's comments

"Part of the journey is the end..."

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-15-2016 12:48 PM

lol thanks.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaOct-15-2016 1:20 PM

"People were hyping this up as the god of all Godzilla films. THE TRUE GODZILLA@!!!>L!1LL!"

Gee... Where have we seen this scenario before? Lets take a look: The year is 2014...

"Well Final Wars gave people everything they wanted, except a good story"


"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberGiganOct-15-2016 1:25 PM

Come on, Shin Godzilla and Godzilla 2014 are entirely different films. I never said people did not hype the hell out of G14, but the stuff that people were saying about this film...Was maddening.

"It will be the second best Godzilla film...RIGHT BEHIND 1954 OF COURSE!" "It's going to put G14 in the dust"...Did it? No, simple answer.

And I personally enjoyed Final Wars. Sometimes you have to turn your brain off and just enjoy a movie--even if it is 0% substance, better than an over dramatic, over hyped, period piece about a mutant lizard with operatic overdone music and insane camera shots. By the way I'm not saying Final Wars is better than Shin Godzilla.

Good grief.


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 1:49 PM

I unfortunately don't think I'll get to see this on the big screen. It's not playing far from me; just logistically tough for me to see it where it is within the week it'll be here. I was hoping it would be in one of the suburban theaters closer to home. It's looking like I'll have to wait for the Blu-Ray before I can weigh in. Look forward to reading what you all think.


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 2:14 PM

As I have said before.. let the war begin between America and Japan for delivering Godzilla/Gojira to audiences around the world.. it's a win win. Personally I liked Final Wars.. It was all my childhood films.. brought together in one big and deliberate mix of Monsters that made Monster Movie Matinee which aired in the 70's on NBC.. worth the wait. That's where I first saw Gojira.. so for me Final Wars was nostalgic. Good cheese if you will. As for Shin Gojira.. I rank it up there with the first as being a great horror flick. If I were 5 years old today watching that.. I would get nightmares.. just like I did when I saw the original. That and the Giant Behemoth too.


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 2:16 PM

Is anyone excited for Kong: Skull Island ?


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 5:25 PM



I wouldn't worry too much if you won't manage to see it in theaters. It's a good movie, but it didn't put every movie but the original to shame as a lot of people seemed to think it would. 

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaOct-15-2016 9:09 PM


Come on, Shin Godzilla and Godzilla 2014 are entirely different films. I never said people did not hype the hell out of G14, but the stuff that people were saying about this film...Was maddening.

"It will be the second best Godzilla film...RIGHT BEHIND 1954 OF COURSE!"

This is literally NO different than how the 2014 movie was hyped and to say otherwise is a complete re-write of the lead-up to its release and feigning ignorance. People were already calling the 2014 movie, "the greatest Godzilla movie of all time" before it was even released. Not second. Not third. They had already proclaimed it was #1 before anyone had seen it because it was a, "realistic, dark, gritty, Hollywood production." (And it ended up not even being that.)

There was an entire thread about who were fans' favorite characters in the Godzilla series. Over three months before the 2014 movie was released fans were naming off Joe and Ford--They hadn't even seen the film.

People were more than sure that the 2014 movie would be the ultimate Godzilla film. And it wasn't by any stretch of the imagination. You were included in that hype as well. It was the most insane thing I had ever seen and arguably far more over-the-top than anything said about Shin Godzilla which, alternatively, had elicited reservations from the moment it was announced and even more when the design was revealed. Why? Because it was Toho and they would, "ruin" what Legendary's movie had "accomplished", whatever that was...

"It's going to put G14 in the dust"...Did it?"

Well yes, but that's not exactly a challenge.

even if it is 0% substance, better than an over dramatic, over hyped, period piece about a mutant lizard with operatic overdone music and insane camera shots. By the way I'm not saying Final Wars is better than Shin Godzilla.

You started that asinine listing with the words  "better than." So yes--Yes you did just say Final Wars was better, whether you meant it or not. And do you have any idea what a "period piece" means? Because a period piece, Shin Godzilla is not.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberBaragonOct-15-2016 10:37 PM

@RR44 - Yes, I am excited for K:SI, but cautiously optimistic and with tempered expectations as well. I was equally jacked for G14, and along with many, felt a bit taken and underwhelmed. I will, however, say I like where they're going with this and how it fits into this expanded monster universe. My butt will be in a theater seat for this come March. I'm hoping it does well to keep momentum going forward.

@Durp004 - Yeah, I know, but I've been around for 54 years and I've seen less than a handful of Godzilla movies in a theater. Always fun to see an "event" film as it should be seen. Plus, it would be good to share that experience with my fellow fans. I'll get over it though, and will see it eventually.

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-16-2016 12:37 AM

Ok please no flame war. Also there are people with different opinions kay. Japan created Godzilla so many G-fans assume that Shin Gojira will beat Godzilla 2014. But there are some people who became G-fans by watching Edwards Godzilla or simply watching *cough* 1998 and even just liking it better than the Japanese ones! So please put your differences aside and just be friendly.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-16-2016 12:37 AM

Ok please no flame war. Also there are people with different opinions kay. Japan created Godzilla so many G-fans assume that Shin Gojira will beat Godzilla 2014. But there are some people who became G-fans by watching Edwards Godzilla or simply watching *cough* 1998 and even just liking it better than the Japanese ones! So please put your differences aside and just be friendly.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-16-2016 12:37 AM

Ok please no flame war. Also there are people with different opinions kay. Japan created Godzilla so many G-fans assume that Shin Gojira will beat Godzilla 2014. But there are some people who became G-fans by watching Edwards Godzilla or simply watching *cough* 1998 and even just liking it better than the Japanese ones! So please put your differences aside and just be friendly.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberGiganOct-16-2016 12:55 AM

I agree with ShiroGoji.

@Gman2887: I think they meant the best american Godzilla movie not the best japanese godzilla movie. G14 was created in the advent to correct themselves from repeating the mistakes made in Godzilla 1998, also Toho praised G14 and they made a statue of LegendaryGoji in Tokyo. It was the film maker's attempt to make a "true" godzilla movie with the appeal of a hollywood movie (Can't really say american since every one across the western world come to hollywood to make movies). Is it a godzilla movie yes, was it it made by Toho? no. I bet if japan had the same budget as hollywood back in the early days of Japanese cinema they would of used Stop Motion rather than a man in a suit and if we fast forward today with this hypothetical alternative timeline they would be using CGI instead of practical effects. Heck the only reasons why they (Japan) still use a man in a suit is because of tradition and budget constraints.


Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-16-2016 2:38 AM

Thanks Xenotaris! Also sorry for the triple post.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...

Something Real

MemberGodzillaOct-16-2016 4:51 AM

Godzilla is something very special and very different to each of us. :)

Something Real

MemberGodzillaOct-16-2016 4:54 AM

RR44 - This is a very fun topic! I have not yet had the pleasure of viewing Shin Gojira. However, I am very much looking forward to having that opportunity in the near future! I am extremely pleased that you enjoyed it! :)


MemberGiganOct-16-2016 7:17 AM

Gman, we both have differing opinions. I can see that you are more of a traditional Godzilla fan, while I view Godzilla 2014 as the best. We are not going to agree on that. From what I have seen, of Shin-Gojira, it looks way too overdone. It looks like a Godzilla film that, because it has been sooooo long since a true Japanese Godzilla film, they wanted it to be an epic reminder that Japan is the only place where you get a real Godzilla film.

The film was really cool in certain parts, I previously criticized the operatic music--but I never said it was not good. The use of classic Tokusatsu and CGI is also very nice--but I still don't rank it that high with other Godzilla films, just as you do G14 to the rest. Besides the good aspects of it, the film dies after the second quarter.

It becomes way too melodramatic, with strange acting, which is not uncommon in Godzilla films. Godzilla becomes sort of an immovable wall that magically gets attacked by this weapon they create out of thin air. SPOILERS..........He gets defeated. I know they are trying to pay homage and give "respects" to Godzilla 1954 with this, but it just feels too much like a homage, and too much like Godzilla 1954 on steroids--much like Jurassic World did to Jurassic Park.

I like the film, but I don't love it--whereas I greatly enjoyed Godzilla 2014. Therefore, it seems your opinion and mine, Gman, are entirely opposites.

Good grief.

Darth Shiro

MemberTitanosaurusOct-16-2016 10:24 AM

GG he didn't die lol! He was frozen temporarily. So the people are obliged to coexist with him till he awakens again. When he will the Americans will nuke him.

Dinosaurs incredible creatures who roamed the Earth 65 million years ago. Never had nature been filled with so much terror and beauty...


MemberBaragonOct-16-2016 10:30 AM



As someone who was here for the 2014 hype can confirm people mentioned it as the best Godzilla movie, not just American one. In fact it was common to hear statements downplaying Toho's godzilla, like bad effects, or cheesy stories, or lackthereof that people believed 2014 would remedy.


MemberGiganOct-16-2016 1:30 PM


I joined this website back in 2012... back when scified was dedicated to Prometheus. I was here back when Godzilla 2014 was first announced. 


I have yet to watch Godzilla: Resurgence but I plan too since it was directed by Evangelion director Hideki Anno. My personal opinions on the Godzilla series, Godzilla 2014 is my favorite Godzilla movie of all time then its Godzilla 1954. My first Godzilla movie was Godzilla vs Monster Zero and I did enjoy Godzilla 1998 (I liked the creature but the story was lacking) and I wasn't a fan of Godzilla Final Wars or Godzilla vs Mecha Ghidorah.

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