The possibility of Anti-Venom being part of the Venom Movie cinematic universe

AdminAtmanApr-09-2016 7:02 AMWhen the Venom Symbiote leaves Eddie Brock, traces of it are left behind, which eventually form to become Anti-Venom - an altered Symbiote with the ability to produce powerful anti-bodies. This is especially useful for Brock, who at the time of this occurance is battling cancer.
With news that a Venom Movie is FINALLY happening, the possibilities are relatively limitless for where Marvel can take the character. Obviously we want an origin story and the first film to focus heavily on Venom's creation, as with all first instalments. But, considering Venom is one of, if not the most well-known and well- appreciated character from the Spider-Man comics, next to Spidey himself, it's not crazy to assume Marvel is planning a rather lengthy run of Venom Movies. We've been waiting too long for one and I think Marvel feels it's now possible to pursue a proper Venom film, especially after seeing the success an R-rated Deadpool can achieve.
Due to those factors, I would hope they plan to really dive deep into the various avenues the Venom story takes in the comics and introduce various forms of the satirical Symbiote.
What do you guys think? Should Anti-Venom be a possibility down the road if the first Venom Movie performs well enough to warrant a series? Let me know in the replies section below!