Veteran MemberMemberNoobApr-11-2013 1:28 AMMost excellent! i read something about Time travel and interdemonsions.....could this also involve Aliens? Hell YA! I hope so but don't mind me I watch a lot of Dr Who. It's hard to say which actor will triumph but it doesn't take great actors to make a great Sci-Fi movie, it's not in Da Dread but in da head, man!

MemberContributorApr-15-2013 10:11 PMThat's a good question! I kind of hope, but at the same time, they would have to be some well thought out characters with an incredible role in the film. But, I think alien species could work

MemberNoobMay-13-2013 12:47 PMi would not mind if they had aliens in this movie but i would prefer if they didnt because they could make it just somebig adventure through space seeing the sights and celestial bodies. im a huge space nerd so seeing a movie that would do a thing like that will get my money.
1 small step for kaiju
1 giant step for godzilla!!!!