MemberNoobOct-08-2015 2:09 PMI'm not a big fan of 3D movies(unless it's IMAX). Roger Deakins has said in an interview that Blade Runner 2 will NOT be filmed in 3D but might be converted to that format on it's release.
It might be interesting to watch the 3D version after viewing the regular one...I just find the 3D regular theatre movies to have too many distractions. :)
Here's a link to the article: Roger Deakins talks Blade Runner 2 in 3D

MemberNoobOct-13-2015 7:56 PMBoobs!!...I mean...look at how booby...I mean look at how *****...I mean look at how 3D'ish your picture looks Sawa..I hope they don't get biased with *****...I mean 3D...with the new sequel...that's a nice pic...too bad there isn't a representation of Deckard in your picture...I looked..I couldn't see *****...I mean Deckard :)

MemberNoobOct-21-2015 2:06 PMThe 2001 strip is in 3D (cyan/red) and you can click-through the graphics, Dale. I'm guessing that yours and Ridley's Top-5 Sci-Fi lists, are pretty close. It'd be nearly a tie for first with BR (TFC) and A L I E N, in my case. And then 2001, STAR WARS; plus of course, there'd be several more following those.
You're welcome, Dale.

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobNov-12-2015 11:34 AM:P