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Admin2KMar-31-2013 3:33 PMPhilip K. Dick always claimed he could see the future, after reading this 1981 letter we are inclined to believe that may be true.
The letter is dated Oct. 11, 1981, nearly nine months before Blade Runner's theatrical release. It's addressed to Jeff Walker, an executive at The Ladd Company, which produced the film, and was apparently written after Dick saw not the finished film, not a rough cut, not even a trailer, but a segment covering the film on a TV show.
[i]“This indeed is not science fiction,” Dick wrote. “It is not fantasy; it is exactly what [star] Harrison [Ford] said: futurism. The impact of Blade Runner is simply going to be overwhelming, both on the public and on creative people — and, I believe, on science fiction as a field. [ ... ] Nothing we have done, individually or collectively, matches Blade Runner."[/i]
Source: [url=][/url]
2 Replies

MemberNoobApr-02-2013 2:16 PM[center][/center]Yes, that marks the first-time Dick would see any footage from the film; the next (also the final) would be just before Christmas, with Ridley as his host. Most certainly Dick was plugged into something, & just as H.R. Giger was similarly plugged; 'but' into the darkest end of it all. Some-kind of dreamworld-type of spiritualism, maybe it even went into the realm of the supernatural. Both men seemingly appeared to be channeled; in their works, & according to their own testimony.
I believe the sequel to BR, & as well as "Prometheus" will be incredibly interesting. Maybe a replicant will give birth to an ALIEN. :O
[b]Robert Crumb's "The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick"
(Weirdo #17, 1986)[/b]:
Source: [url=]SWADESHINE Datanet[/url]
Bonus link:
[url=]Dick discloses the Matrix (1977)[/url]
Thanks Svanya. ^_^

Member2KApr-09-2013 2:48 PMThank you Svanya & Sawa!
Indeed, Philip K Dick was a Prophet.
Giger......well without his incredible mind & talent ALIEN would probably have been an entertaining B movie, directed by Roger Corman.
Once again, I thank the "God of Biomechanics" that Dan O'Bannon got his hands on a copy of Necronomicon, as it meant my favourite film came to fruition!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
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