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Admin2KMar-29-2013 4:34 PMBriton Philip Askins wins the Done in 60 Seconds competition with his one-minute remake of Blade Runner. His black-and-white animation beat off competition from 15 countries to win the award, which Askins praised his acceptance speech as a platform for amateur film-makers to be seen and test their creative skills.
[Center][url=]Done in 60 Seconds: Blade Runner remake winner. (Video)[/url][/Center]
3 Replies

Co-AdminMemberNoobMar-29-2013 4:57 PMToo cool for words! I can see why he won! ;) Thanks!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

MemberNoobMar-30-2013 8:44 AM[center][/center]Thanks Svanya. ^_^ Very funny.
Bonus links:
[url=]The Big Sleep: Bogey Gets Wet[/url]
[url=]Great Film Quotes From the 1940s[/url]

Member2KApr-09-2013 2:57 PMOh my, that is just stunningly cool!!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger
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