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MemberNoobMar-24-2013 11:55 PMAt the scene where Deckard enters Sebastian's apartment you can see the evolution of the image of fairies beings, the bear cub, mannequins representing the inanimate, the ****oo clocks [the symbol of insanity and dementia], the walking Kaiser, toys, rats, wanted to do or represent in some way the innocence. I at least see it as well. The scene of Deckard traspasing the Sebastian doors shocked me and is very subjective and may represent nothing to you.
I m linking a old illustration from 1922 tittled [url=]"The Gates of Fairyland"[/url] by Margaret Terrant. Although at the web of Fary Tale Mood can see it.
9 Replies
MemberNoobMar-25-2013 2:39 PM[center][/center]A good-find, Montesco. Also yes, that is quite an interesting observation, plus comparison. I cannot remember what was stated that Ridley was attempting to replicate (onset with the dolls); however, it was mentioned in one of "The Final Cut" commentaries. I believe it was from an old film (maybe only in-part), that left some impression on him.
[b][url=]J.F[/url][/b]: There's some of [url=]me in you[/url].
Certainly, there are all kinds of little-things to pick-up on, in his apartment. I wonder what this [url=]deleted scene[/url] (that's no way to treat your toys) was meant to imply about good ole J.F? Maybe where the replicants inherit their explosive, & violent temper from? I guess it could imply many things, but only had it been left in the film. J.F. may not have been so meek, after-all. A serial-killer that preys on female-replicants =P ...who knows?
Bonus links:
"Air Doll" (2009) [url=]clip[/url] [b]+[/b] [url=]trailer[/url]
Thanks Montesco. ^_^
MemberNoobMar-25-2013 2:58 PMremember Battys speech to Chew. fiery the angels fell, deep thunder rolling around the shores (a misquote of what Ridley thought was from Milton's Paradise Lost, it was actually from America: a prophecy by William Blake, a fan of Milton and having a Miltonic feel to it). referring to the fallen angel Satan's fall from grace (the prettiest of all the rebel angels) and his escape to earth and search for his maker (god) so that he can murder him when he doesn't get what he wants. Ridley wraps a mystery in an enigma inside a metaphor. he isn't just an artist, he is like leonardo, he's a true medici artisan. that poem from Batty is the key to the entire film.
MemberNoobMar-26-2013 1:34 AMOh my goodness!, thank you for that beautiful capture, Sawa! I love it.
About the topic meaning, I can not explain it exactly, but there is a clear difference, Ridley Scott tries to represent the inanimate world with animated. As the world of fairies representing us the author Margaret Terrant, there are two clearly worlds represented, reality and fantasy. About deleted scene, that you linked, clearly Scott wanted represent the Millais' Ophelia, in my opinion.
There is an animated automata who continually laughs in Sebastian s appartment that you can see on the film [url=]SLEUTH (1972)[/url]
MemberNoobMar-26-2013 2:25 PM[center][/center]Yes Montesco, I believe that is an excellent estimation, as to what that deleted scene was [url=]representing visually[/url]. And fishkettlebanana, that is definitely a key point to the film, as most know that Satan also lacks empathy. Having empathy is a core subject-matter within Christianity, & is emphasized highly, also quite regularly. And as without it, you're in a lot of trouble as far as they're concerned; the path to complete corruption.
The entire-drive to the story of BR is the fact that those who created the replicants, devised the tests, & take-care of the business of retirement, plus those that are retired ...all lack empathy. It is quite a vicious seemingly unbreakable circle; although, this system is comprised whenever someone does empathize, & takes action. The irony here is that the lack of empathy identities a replicant; however, it also identifies the type of system they are to operate within, along with their masters.
I figure that lack of empathy is also the reason it would be illegal for replicants to intermix, with regular humans on Earth. Maybe they live a somewhat segregated or controlled-contact life, even Off-World. The question that remains is why do the replicants lack empathy? Is it something that was done on purpose to make the replicants do tasks, that could not be easily asked of a regular human? Or was it a fault of some-type ...maybe related to personal mental issues with someone at Tyrell Corp, like J.F? Or was it really like Tyrell stated in the film, that they made the Nexus 6 as best as they could, at the time?
The replicants non-ability to empathize, is likely the root-cause of the sudden-surges of violence that are seen from them when they become angered, or are threatened. Along with the fact they are born enslaved, objectified, & demeaned regularly. Also, asked to do things humans couldn't or wouldn't normally do. And likely the reason they would not be given certain mental abilities, to make it anymore easier to countermand their intended purposes. Tyrell has regular difficulty in controlling them, & why the clean-up squad of Blade Runners. Also experimental models, with implanted memories.
[b]Ridley Scott[/b]: When we set-out to make this film, we decided to make this a taboo-word. I may as well use the taboo-word because it's somehow ah ...the word is android. And I said anyone that uses the word android gets their head broken with a baseball-bat. OK? Because it sets-up all kinds of preconceptions of the kind of film, it could be. Alright?
And yet the word android is a man-made development, on let's say ...robot, bio-mechanoid The android may be human, that may actually be flesh n' blood, genetically structured ...OK? So we simply decided to not use the word, because it's been overused, & misused. And so we developed our own word, which is the word replicant. Which is essentially a human-being.
Source: [url=]Convention Reel @ 10:15 (Ridleyville set, 1981)[/url]
A good example, regarding the bit when he describes the uses a replicant could have (in an Off-World situation); might be the unconnected film [url=]"Moon" (2009)[/url].
Tyrell can be seen as a representation of Milton's non-friendly, nor intimate God, just as Roy is of his heroic version of Satan that dares to challenge. Tyrell sets the rules because he can, & his creations that do not follow the rules will face his terrible wrath (retirement). Nor is the matter open for debate or discussion. The replicants incredibly limited lifespan is perceived, as their pending too-soon expulsion from paradise. Also combined with they're society slaves, exiled from Earth. Something more obvious is that fact man is not God, but in the case of the replicants is, & why they are created as second-class citizens. Tyrell cannot offer any possible consolation in death, that humanity's God can.
Tyrell didn't create replicants for the same reason "God" created humanity (nor is capable of ...better to reign in hell than serve in heaven). Tyrell did so because he could, & doesn't necessarily love his creations, nor empathize with them. Roy identifies with Satan in Milton's story (though fumbled) , & of course makes for an instant back-story. It could've acted as an additional reference point, to help the audience understand Roy's (& his followers) parallel motives for going after Tyrell (along with him playing God). And again was partly re-applied to the "Prometheus" film-series, also maybe why toying around the idea that it could be fused with BR.
Thanks Montesco + fishkettlebanana . ^_^
Admin2KMar-27-2013 9:50 PM@Sawa; I love cinemagraphs!! Here is one of my fave Blade Runner ones. :)
MemberNoobMar-30-2013 7:30 AM[center][/center]Yes, a cinemagraph is a very [url=]...look's me with my mother[/url], thing-to-do. =D Also, your new icon reminds me of [url=] the latest incarnation[/url] (Mazinkaizer SKL) of [url=]Mazinger Z[/url].
Thanks Svanya. ^_^
Admin2KMar-30-2013 4:01 PMI had other Blade Runner cinemagraphs but they were to large and I was unable to upload them. Also, with the Rachel and her mom picture I always thought it was the shadows from his apartment moving over the image that did that.
*(My avatar is a Dremora Deadra from my fave game series The Elder Scrolls. My signature image is from The Elder Scrolls as well. :D )
MemberNoobApr-02-2013 2:56 PM[center][/center]One-thing for certain, it's tough to catch everything in the film. And even after seeing it many times, but part of the fun of it all. I always followed the magazines quite closely, so eventually a lot was spelled-out, or detailed; that I may not of happened to notice, or didn't quite know what to make of it exactly. And specifically the matter of whether or not, the "glowing (replicant) eyes" was an intentional-effect.
Thanks Svanya. ^_^
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