MemberInitiateNov-25-2014 2:00 PMHaujobb - Membrane / Acretongue Remix

MemberNoobNov-25-2014 4:28 PM
MemberNoobNov-26-2014 5:16 AM
MemberNoobNov-26-2014 6:39 PM
MemberNoobNov-29-2014 9:59 PM
It's beyond silly that Ridley won't be directing. Although, I have been very pleased with where Prometheus 2 may be heading. And with BR2, I guess we will all see for ourselves soon enough.
Ridley has certainly been incredibly gracious to state the least; in regard to his press-releases, lately. And the photographs for this VARIETY article were simply brilliant. He is a very convincing Dragon, and undoubtedly this is something to feel good about.
Lean, Mean n' Blue-green ...Like a (****) Dragon
Cover photo by Nadav Kandar
And thanks Membrane!
Bonus links:
This Flight Tonight 2.0 de Luxe
Sir Ridley Scott VES Award
Syfy 3001 Mini-series