MemberInitiateOct-30-2014 5:21 PMGodzilla - Legendary Pictures rendering.. I observered on film and on Blu - ray.. that the depictioin of the Iconic monster.. did not match up with Legenday's specs on the creature... and thats taking into account known structures and objects used (USS Saratoga CV-3) when making this film. I wonder how many other people out there in the scified world.. actually care anymore about what they pay money to see.. or is there fans of Godzilla who DEMAND to see the beast done proper in size, scale, and scope. Does anyone think that SIZE MATTERS.. or is there anyone who saw what I saw.. and said.. hmmm.. somethings wrong here.. cause he looks bigger than they said he was. I have contacted WB to let them know my concerns. Keep in mind.. they are planning a sequel.