MemberNoobSep-13-2014 8:15 AM![BREVITY_BR_by_Dan_Thompson.jpg](http://s10.postimg.org/r1557g6fd/BREVITY_BR_by_Dan_Thompson.jpg)
July 1981: Terry had just completed his first assembly cut of BR. He sat down with Ridley in the screening room, and for the duration of the viewing not a word was said. After the show, the lights came back-up, and Ridley turned to Terry and said, "My God it's marvelous! What the f**k does it all mean?"
MemberNoobSep-13-2014 10:45 AM![](http://www.duttonfilms.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/8Bit-Cinema-bladerunner.jpg)
MemberNoobSep-18-2014 11:53 PM![](http://s11.postimg.org/7u3yno5ib/200sa.gif)
MemberNoobSep-21-2014 4:39 PM![Cupable_Homicide.gif](http://s10.postimg.org/ojwqqie15/Cupable_Homicide.gif)
I think the highlight from the video is the story when Terry protected his chief. And concerning the time producers wanted to take the film away from Ridley. Terry had basically flat-out lied, and told them it'd be impossible to assemble it without him (sheer volume of pieces as the reason). Also in relation, maybe it's true that all the previously unseen footage that could be used, was (for the Home Video box-set).
Terry left Deckard's 'replicant' eye-gleam in, too. Had a re-cooked voice-over not been used; Deckard would have easily remained a replicant, in the original theatrical cut. And even despite the tacked-on ending, plus the removal of the unicorn sequence.
I included Terry's quotation, because it goes to show that you never really know how things will turn-out, exactly. Sometimes you surprise even yourself. It's amusing to find even Ridley did just that.
Bonus link: