Jurassic World Movies

Which Dinos Will We See In JP4?

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MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2014 5:22 PM

Jurassic Park=Dinosaurs.

But will we see the same dinos in the new movie or new exclusive ones? Well I made this list where I think which dinosaurs will be featured in the next movie:









Heck, maybe will see some new aquatic creatures! But tell me, which dinos do you think will be in the next movie and why?

7 Replies

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2014 7:53 PM

my list :

1. Giganotosaurus : large and dangerous, new villain in JP4

2. Spinosaurus : The last Jp it became the King beating Rex

3. Carcharodontosaurus : earlier version of Giga

4. Argentinosaurus : Largest creature ever walked

5. Liopleurodon : Old time Favourite

6. Utahraptor : True Version of JP Velociraptor

7. T-Rex : The King, must be in

8. Velociraptor : JP wouldn't be the same with these guys

9. Ankylosaurus : Heavy Tank, gotta be in

10. Allosaurus : Great and deadly, altought not be the new villain

11. Carnotaurus : Shown on TLW novel, this time came to the movie for the first time

12. Pteranodon : Flyer to the Elite.



MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2014 8:44 PM

If I remember correctly, We received a list of the dinosaurs to be in JW...


However, it was not that reliable, But we won't know until it's released... If it was true or not.


I believe, A handful of the ones you picked/liked, Were choosen... 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2014 11:35 PM

I think think acrocanthosaurus should be in it, but then again, it's not known by very many people.

I think giganotosaurus will be in the movie, or maybe t rex, spino, and giga will all be in it. Giga, in my opion, will be the new villain, it's big and scary, maybe it will look like the Turok concept art (which is my profile home-screen).

If they don't have velociraptor in the movie, I will be extremely disappointed.

Youre fat, and I'm not sugarcoating it cause you'd probably eat that too.

Cachoongasaurus Dunzilla

MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2014 10:39 AM

Well I would like to see all those dinosaurs listed but there is a dinosaur that has recently been discovered: Acheroraptor. Why, because it actually was discovered in Montana, is one of the closest relatives to Velociraptor, it's 3m (9.8ft) in which the real Velociraptor is only 1.6m (5.9ft) making the Acheroraptor more like the Velociraptor in the film, and finally it lived in the late Cretacious Period so it lived alongside the infamous Tyrannosaurus! Since this dinosaur was just discovered in winter 2013 I doubt that it will be in the movie.....

PS: Velociraptor means "Speedy Theif" so it stole things without combat or at least attempted to, and Acheroraptor Temyetyorum means " Acheron Plunderer" meaning h ransacks everything until he gets what he's looking for... AWESOME!!!Close up of AcheroraptorT-rex looking to steal Acheroraptors' meal

Elite Raptor 007

MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2014 7:16 PM

nice pic, dude.

Murph Dog

MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2014 7:34 AM

i just hope t rex beats spino's behind in the movie


MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2014 9:27 AM

I hope there is a quetzalcoatlus it would really make things more interesting and i hope theres a spinosaurus in the movie (its my favourite dinosaur^^) and spino should remain king it beat t-rex fair and square, trex is the most famous dinosaur lets let other dinos have a chance!! (rex should still be in though)

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