New documents reveal studio execs hated the Blade Runner voiceover

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Admin2KMar-14-2013 4:32 PM
[Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] Blade Runner is on many a person's list of the best sci-fi films of all time. A crucial part of the film's cult mythology is that it was misunderstood by just about everyone at the time of its release; audiences, critics, and, especially, studio execs. In reaction to this, the studio forced Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford to add a voiceover narration in order to help the audience grasp the movie's concepts. Ford famously rebelled against the voiceover saying; [i]"When we started shooting it had been tacitly agreed that the version of the film that we had agreed upon was the version without voiceover narration. It was a ****ing nightmare. I thought that the film had worked without the narration. But now I was stuck re-creating that narration. And I was obliged to do the voiceovers for people that did not represent the director's interests." [/i] Apparently, the execs at Tandem Productions weren't happy with the results either. The do***ent below, provided by Reddit user [url=]VanTrashcan[/url], was taken from an early Blade Runner screening in January of 1982, just months before the film hit theaters. Jerry Perenchio, Bud Yorkin and Robin French, all executives at Tandem Productions (which co-produced the film with The Ladd Company and Hong Kong producer Sir Run Run Shaw) unanimously hated it. [Center] Execs Notes on Blade Runner[/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] Source: [url=] (User; VanTrashcan)[/url]
8 Replies


MemberNoobMar-14-2013 5:26 PM

Super-post! I never liked that voice-over either, & the more I saw the original version with it present ...the more I didn't like it. It almost gave the impression that scenes were missing (or shortened), at times to me. I was so pleased when the "Director's Cut" came about, & that "insulting voice-over" (the spoon-feed) was finally taken-off the film. My favorite version of the film is "The Final Cut".

I like that Deckard is a replicant, it makes his character so much more interesting. Prior to that change, he comes-off more like some semi-drunken dullard, or a cowardly man that resistantly does what he's told (however, he feels that he's a murderer) to keep from being "little people" (to maintain his standard of living). Hardly an admirable character; although, the voice-over attempts to sway the audience into sympathizing (or relate) with him. Also to rationalize, & justify Deckard's means to an end. And in driving-off into the sunset, with his stolen expiry-date free, perfect immortal love-doll (in like ...who wouldn't?).

As a replicant, he's a Government-sanctioned assassin; created by them to do their dangerous dirty-work, in cleaning the streets of wanted skin-jobs. Maybe even an experimental-model, like Rachel was. And with the forced "love" scene with Rachel; makes me question ...what other kind of dirty-work, might he've been designated to do? Or was he malfunctioning, & incapable of controlling the sexual-urges, he felt towards her? Was that scene playing-out a demonstration of Deckard's own lack of empathy (another-clue he's not quite right in the head)?

Funniest comment #14: Alan Ladd Jr: They have to put-back more **** in Zhora's dressing room.

Runner-up #21: Jerry Perenchio: Pris' tongue is sticking-out, in the wide-shot after Batty has kissed her.


Thanks Svanya.



MemberNoobMar-14-2013 5:27 PM
I loved VO version, Svanya, and it is my fav BR version, I think the others Blade Runner versions are overrated, both, 90 s Cut version and 2007 the extended version, but I can uderstand to Ridley at this point, and many fans.


Admin2KMar-14-2013 7:08 PM
I hated, hated the voiceover... It was very dull and made me dislike Deckard as he seemed to complain too much. I agree with you Sawa, him being a replicant is better because as a human he's really a terrible person. I loved the Director's Cut and saw it many times in theatres. As for the execs notes, i think the one about Zhora's breasts is hilarious. Also, I rather liked that Pris's tongue stuck out, dunno why.


MemberNoobMar-14-2013 8:35 PM
Svanya, we have different visions then. I watched a few days ago an interview with Harrison Ford from 1982, he makes a pantomime at the end interview, he does not accept the fact that he is a android. I'll see if find it. Thanks


MemberNoobMar-15-2013 11:08 AM
This is the interview I m talking about: [url=]John C. Tibbetts interviews[/url]


Admin2KMar-15-2013 12:16 PM
Thanks Montesco, great link!


MemberNoobMar-24-2013 5:11 PM
Watching the film without the voice over(especially on Blu Ray)is like a night and day difference. I didn't realize how distracting the voice over was. Your busy processing what Deckards narrating instead of taking in the visuals.


MemberNoobMar-25-2013 12:46 AM
djrees56@ Do you like the film with out voice-over? I love the V O version. The two later versions seems to me like a old silent film, I have to guess from where comes the guy with the newspaper, who is he? for example, Believe me, BR is a world very complex to understand, and the V O always gave a film Noir touch, very special and necessary.
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