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MemberNoobFeb-24-2014 3:23 AMWe love this movie, the level of graphics used in this movie is awesome.. we need to continue and create a part 2
2 Replies

MemberNoobMar-05-2014 8:42 PMA great idea is that the alien civ. That sent the kaiju through has found earth and is sending ships that carry kaiju and they just drop them off and leave or we discove anothe breach.

MemberNoobMar-14-2014 10:58 PMGive the sequel a good time for the characters to recover. Aprox. 10-15 years. Human step up the game, new Jaegers, larger perhaps? Kaiju coming through 3-11 at a time, being lead/controlled by a Precursor Anti-Jaeger. Multiple breaches, on the surface. Global strikes? Attacks on the Anteverse, take a foot hold there as the final action scene, Credits. Pac Rim 3!
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