connective tissues

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MemberNoobFeb-05-2014 4:16 PM
just discovered this article that goes into great detail between what was re-used between Alien and Blade Runner, sound, crew members, concept artists and all the minutidae that we overlook when watching [url=]connected threads[/url] [img][/img] Fishkettlebanana :)
6 Replies


Admin2KFeb-06-2014 12:56 AM
Thanks, this is great! I love the [i]STRANGE SHAPES[/i] blogs. There is a connection between 'Blade Runner' and the movie 'Soldier' as well. I wrote about that awhile back, gonna try and find the thread.


MemberNoobFeb-07-2014 3:14 PM

I think that would've been a far better choice to have cast Rutger for "Prometheus". And I don't believe a one-part (maybe implying more than one member) Japanese crew would've flown-well with American audiences for "ALIEN" (1979). There was certainly more than a fair-bit of animosity towards Asians in general; especially, just after a string of three bloody wars in Asia. And also the (then) growing negative impact of Japanese imports on the American automotive industry, amongst other issues.

Although, Sawa herself did her own-part to help repair, strengthen, and create a deeper bond in the name of Japanese-American relations. However, starting sometime after the release of the film, and also manged-well to not conceive a child, in doing so.

For the benefit of non-A L I E N fans:
One of the things I enjoyed most about Alien was its subtle satirical content.
Science fiction films offer golden opportunities to throw in little scraps of
information that suggest enormous changes in the world. There's a certain potency
in those kinds of remarks. Weylan Yutani for instance is almost a joke, but not
quite. I wanted to imply that poor old England is back on its feet and has
united with the Japanese, who have taken over the building of spaceships the
same way they have now with cars and supertankers. In coming up with a strange
company name I thought of British Leyland and Toyota, but we couldn't use
"Leyland-Toyota" in the film. Changing one letter gave me "Weylan," and "Yutani"
was a Japanese neighbor of mine.

Ron Cobb
, "The Authorized Portfolio of Crew Insignias from The United States
Commercial Spaceship Nostromo Designs and Realizations" by John Mollo & Ron Cobb

Another bit of connective (lung) tissue, or another commonality; is the smoking of cigarettes in both films. Ridley had once confessed at the time he was making "Black Rain" (1989); he was going through two-packs easily, a day. And of course, characters still smoke in Ridley Scott films, and even in his most recent: "The Counselor" (2013).

This all is definitely a topic
worth expanding-on,
by **** Losers

Thanks Mr. f i s h k e t t l e b a n a n a!

Bonus links:
Connective Hoses


Community ExecutiveMemberNoobFeb-08-2014 12:07 PM
Super interesting article, thanks FKB :)
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberNoobFeb-08-2014 2:12 PM
thanks everyone, and to Sawa, I couldn't stop laughing at that cartoon FKB :)


MemberNoobFeb-24-2014 3:50 AM
OMG! Nice find! I am totally bookmarking that link you just posted and once again VERY nice find! and for the comic, LOL! I literally lost it when his hand is still holding onto his dolphin.


MemberNoobMay-25-2017 7:40 AM

Connective tissue is one of the types of tissues which helps to connect one with other tissues.

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