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MemberNoobJan-28-2013 4:02 PM[center][/center]Jan-2013 (excerpt): Atari SA's U.S.-based video-game-making businesses filed for bankruptcy protection in Manhattan with the intention of separating from the unprofitable French parent and seeking independent funding:
[url=]Atari's U.S. Operations File for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy[/url]
[url=]Atari Bankruptcy: Gen-X Bids Pong Farewell[/url]
[url=,2817,2414562,00.asp]Atari: A Damaged Yet Vital Brand[/url]
[url=]The Blade Runner Curse[/url]
[url=]Bonus Video - Perfume: An Unnatural Girl/GAME/One Room Disco[/url]
4 Replies

Admin2KJan-28-2013 4:43 PMMy god those sets were beautiful!! The shot with Rutger is amazing. That pop group video is really neat , i have never seen them before. Ty so much for showing me this stuff, makes me smile. :)

MemberNoobJan-30-2013 3:46 PM[center][/center]Harrison Ford: "There was nothing for me to do, but stand around & give some vain attempt to give some focus to Ridley's sets." =O
I feel that Perfume is a female-fronted Japanese version of the French duo Daft Punk. A bunch more BR-like/futuristic looking ones:
[url=]Spring of Life[/url]
[url=]Fake It[/url]

Admin2KJan-30-2013 5:33 PMThey sound really good, I didn't think I would like them but I actually think they are fun. :D

MemberNoobJan-30-2013 7:06 PMas Pan Am disappeared long time ago! another BR classic brand near to pass away.
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