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Lynx Foxtrot
MemberNoobSep-18-2013 9:55 AMRangers,
I have a question about a particular scene on the film.
This was the time in the film where the arrival through the Breach of Otachi and Leather Back had been detected. They were not yet in Hong Kong harbor, but were first detected (IIRC).
While under water, there was a quick 2-3 second scene where a creature was shown with just its head made visible through the murk and it let out this awesome screech! It didn't appear to be Otachi, but almost a 'Barugon' looking monster:
Now the second or two of the shot could have been Otachi as the angle of the shot had the creature in the upper left hand area of the screen and you the view were below and to the right looking up; but it didn't resemble Otachi ... at least it didn't appear to be her. It definitely wasn't Leather Back.
Also the scream let out by the creature was very reminiscent of the Gamera scream in the film clip I linked to above.
Am I just seeing things? Is it my mind playing tricks on me and making me see what I want to see, or is this a movie 'Easter Egg'? I guess we will know one the DVD is released.
Lynx Foxtrot out
1 Replies
MemberNoobSep-20-2013 11:53 AMit could have been otachis mate, cause remember, in the movie she was pregnant so the mate could have been a catogory five fly under the radar
dragonking, shotzee!!
im a purple grisly bear so get over and become something else
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