MemberNoobAug-17-2013 5:54 PMSo I have this awesome idea, and forgive me but I'm still working on this.
Remember when Raleigh talks to Stacker about them trying to seal the breach before? Well we should focus on that in the second one. In the opening scene takes place five years prior to the events of the film. This is following Raleigh and his brother, Stacker and his co pilot, and several others to attempt to seal the bridge. As they launch the Jaegers deep in the Pacific Ocean, they use another explosive. Before the first film they had no idea of using a kaiju corpse to use it's DNA to get to the other side. As they try to seal the bridge, apparently one of the Jaeger pilots made a deal with the Precursors, to stop the Jaegers from deploying the bomb. He was exchanged with a full eternity of life. Stacker decides to kill his Jaeger team as the two evil Jaeger pilots tell Stacker that humanity needs to suffer the consequences. Stacker orders the Becket's to get out of there, as they manage to escape. Stacker uses a kaiju corpse and pushes him, the kaiju, and the evil jaeger pilots into the breach. The duo Jaegers battle to death as Stacker uses Coyote Tango's canon and shoots the evil Jaeger pilots into the anteverse. Stacker manages to escape in time. The evil jaeger pilots wake up from their cryo sleep, as the aliens take them off of their con pod, the aliens spare their lives in exchange to use the Jaeger technology to build their own weapons. The jaeger pilots also agree to help the alien cause. As they now help the aliens built powerful kaiju with jaeger technology. As the jaeger pilots want revenge on Stacker. The aliens own purpose is to terraform earth to use it to change the planet's ecosystem.
The aliens send the giant machine to deep space to hopefully find it.
Several years after the events of the first film, Becket is now dating Mako, and the two are starting to like each other more. Mako still misses Stacker, but one night he was able to talk to her, in regarding that the prophecy is coming.
During a deep space mission, NASA decides to use one of the old Jaegers as a space exploration unit, they are mark 6 Jaegers and are used for space exploration purposes only. As NASA discovers the Precursor's terraforming weapon, their Jaegers are destroyed by a giant space Kaiju, category 7, which guards the weapon. The signal is lost. Luckily a secret organization had a feeling that the kaiju would come back, so they developed 5 mark 7 jaegers. The most powerful of their kind. These jaegers are able to defeat category 7-9 kaiju. They ask Raleigh and Mako to come with them. They call the giant space station ORBITAL DROP SHOCK JAEGERS or for short ODSJ (lol halo reference). These Jaegers are deployed from the giant space station and deployed onto the planet. They find the Precursors getting ready to initiate their weapon, as the Jaegers begin to deploy. They hit hard and ambush the aliens. The Precursors send in the beacon and an army of Kaiju's emerge. The epic space battle's are amazing! One Jaeger comes out from stasus, as Gipsy Danger 2.0 is heard as Mako cries for help. Apparently they put her mother and father's soul in Gipsy. They protect both Mako and Raleigh as Gipsy uses Mako's parents soul as energy. She manages to defeat one of the powerful Kaiju and the two lifeless bodies drift down in space. Gipsy notices the weapon about to be deployed, as she quickly manages to destroy the weapon. The aliens are destroyed once again as gipsy and the other Jaegers land safely on Earth, as the 4 remaining Jaegers stand on the shore and look above to see the weapon falling to the sky, as Raleigh and Mako hug once more.
The fight isnt over as the evil jaeger pilots come out of the breach with their new toy, a kaiju jaeger hybrid!!

MemberNoobAug-19-2013 9:16 AMwow WTF THAT WAS AMAZING! SERIOUSLY
AMAZING!!! do you have like a tumblr or twitter or something, i seriously want to keep myself updated with this if you ever choose to update it, this is amazing! big kudos to you!

MemberNoobAug-19-2013 10:37 AMThanks dude! Yes I have tumblr if you wish to discuss some ideas for what the sequel could be like. Here: lrdezign.tumblr.com
I was also thinking about how what if Raleigh's brother didn't die! That would be a shocking twist! Like we could go to one of Raleigh's nightmares of the Gipsy vs Knifehead fight, and when Knifehead ripped Yancy out of the con pod, we could see that Yancy is still alive after being flown off his con system. He is rescued by a fishing crew and now works catching fish in Alaska. A secret organization captures Yancy and they use the drifting technology they stole and dig into his thoughts on how the Jaegers work. They eventually build their own line of Jaegers. The Kaiju are sent back to earth with a teleportation device with them. Around the world each Kaiju activates several teleportation devices. As the people of the world see what the kaiju are doing, the Kaiju open a new portal in space! This time they send in their home planet. The Precursors hack into the world wide telecommunications and send in a broadcast. They ask for the rebuild of their home planet. The humans have no choice but to surrender to the Kaiju's and force the humans to rebuild their dying planet. They send in an army to capture humans and they use the humans as slaves. As Mako and Raleigh try to hide from the invasion, Raleigh has a weird drift dream and finds out his brother is still alive. The two find him captured and as they are about to escape, the man who created the Jaegers ask Raleigh and Mako to pilot Gipsy Danger 2.0. The mysterious man also hired other Jaeger pilots to control the new Mark 7 Jaegers, the most advanced Jaegers of their kind. The organization that builds the Jaegers is unknown. As Raleigh rejoins with his brother, Yancy insists that Mako should pilot it. As the world as we know it is coming to an end, and the humans being enslaved and tortured to rebuild the Precursor's home world, the unknown company that builds the Jaegers has created a device to destroy the planet's core. As they send off the Jaegers to space, the team manages to destroy the army of Kaiju. As they make their way to plant the bomb, they free the humans, and send them in ships back to earth. Gipsy Danger 2.0 is suddenly captured by the big boss Precursor. He informs that humanity is lost, and that it is time for a new species to take its place. As the rest of the Jaegers fight their way back to earth, a mysterious Jaeger saves Mako and Raleigh from the Precursor, as it is Yancy! Suddenly we see the original Gipsy mutated with Kaiju organs as it comes out from stasis, fights Yancy. Yancy says he'll deliver the bomb, Raleigh tells him their is another way, but Yancy insists. He blows himself up as he and his Jaeger and the hybrid kaiju are destroyed, the planet implodes itself. As Gipsy falls into space, we see the kaiju jaeger hybrid survives, and Gipsy and the hybrid fight in space, as the two come crashing to the earth at full speed. They kill the hybrid by burning it through the atmosphere. Mako and Raleigh survive the crash! And the Earth is once more saved.

MemberNoobAug-19-2013 12:52 PMi think i love both of them :(
but i think that when your free, think about what you could name the new jaegers, and the kaijus, maybe have some concept art done if your creative and artistic (as the pacific rim fanbase mainly revolved around the characters and personalities of these monsters and robots) i seriously love this though. i thought i was the only one eagerly waiting to see if pacific rim will have a sequel! i hope the director one day could see your awesome storyline!
btw i think you should try ending the sequels in a cliff hanger, like maybe have this jaeger team (as u said in ur first reply to me) work with the kaiju's. so like when mako and raleigh think that earth is saved, they gaze upon the sky seeing the whole planet interlinking into earth and the 2 planets merging because the evil jaeger team agreed to do it with the kaiju's. or maybe even have another faction of species enter the fight, endless possibilies!!! and also, try driving away from the "yancy blowing himself up" thing, it was used already in the first film, so maybe have something more tragic happen to yancy. AND ALSO I HOPE THAT STACKER HELPED CHUCK GET INTO AN ESCAPE POD LIKE RALIEGH DID TO MAKO OMG I SERIOUSLY WANT THAT AUSSIE BACK! and i hope this time they make the fights even bigger, and more worldwide, like have more robots representing each country with more weapons, special powers idk, and the kaiju have more counter attacks like when the EMP blast hit, that scene was a stealer for me, i just loved it!
thanks for replying btw, i am finally occupied this summer, i had nothing to do, and after watching pacific rim, its like i entered this whole new universe!

MemberNoobAug-19-2013 1:40 PMThanks for the help! It's kinda tough coming up with an awesome way to start a sequel. I kinda agree with you on the yancy thing. I thought of something cool on how Stacker Pentecost would come back to help save the day.
It's kinda hard to think what would potentially be a good idea for a sequel because Del Toro says he wants to do something completely different, and I agree with him. But it would get kinda be old material having the portal reopen.
I was thinking of a new way for the monsters to come out to Earth, or I was thinking we take the fight to them and have an epic space battle with Jaegers flying in space. It could happen, remember when Gipsy Danger had jets on his back, they could use that technology to allow the Jaegers to fly around in deep space.
Unless humans build genetically altered superhuman pilot the Jaegers. There's another possibility.
What ideas do you have?
How should I come up with the names for the new Mark 7 Jaegers? lol.

MemberNoobAug-20-2013 4:46 AMi agree with you on everything, the only thing i dont want is the movie to be boring, the first one was perfect, i just dont want the sequel to be really irrelevant or "story changing" i guess. Like it needs to stick with the whole idea of humanity coming together as one to stop threats.
the idea of doing the sequel as the prequel would be a great one too. oh and idk, i just love jaegers so much, especially cherno alpha, which i sadly saw when it went down :(:(:(
i was also doing a few minutes of research on the bechdel test of this movie, it was interesting how it failed, although mako was partially the story, and her character was portrayed strong and not as a sex object as such, like in transformers... Then i came across the mako mori test that people are starting to put forward! its really interesting!
i need to get myself a copy of the prequel book!!!