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Gypsy Eureka
MemberNoobAug-09-2013 1:57 PMAlright, so you all remember in the opening montage of Pacific Rim we caught a glimpse of some sneakers featuring Romeo Blue and a Kaiju called Hardship.[img][/img]
Well, according to screen writer Travis Beacham, Hardship is featured in the montage in the scenes with the green, night-vision fight between Romeo Blue and a Kaiju with a big protrusion on his head. On his tumblr page, Beacham stated this: "This started as a Bladehead concept, but I think it might actually have been used for Hardship in the opening montage. Not sure. I hope someone with sharp eyes can say whether or not that makes sense. (It’s the green night vision part.)" In regards to this image [img][/img]
Recalling the movie, I specifically remember a Kaiju in the green night fight that looks EXACTLY like what we thought was a Bladehead concept art.
Also in regards to the green night-vision scenes, we saw this fight in one of the concept art pieces featuring Romeo Blue and a mysterious Kaiju which I now know to be Hardship, verifying Travis Beacham's statement. [img][/img]
You can clearly see the protrusion on the Kaiju's head and it looks exactly like the "Bladehead" concept.
So now we know that Hardship was in fact in the movie and not merely just a pair of sneakers. Spread the word!
2 Replies

MemberNoobAug-09-2013 9:33 PMi would buy the heck out of the Romeo Blue shoes,but if there was a Tacit Ronin one,oh man!

MemberNoobAug-10-2013 4:22 PMI wonder if we'll see Reconker. :) What did he look like when alive?
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