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MemberNoobAug-04-2013 8:04 AMI've head a lot of chatter about the "visual language" in Pacific Rim and how most of the movies smarts are in its visual intelligence. There's a lot of hidden visual motifs and symbols just under the surface. For instance, the blue highlights in Mako's hair becoming more prominent after we learn her backstory.
One thing that stands out to me is the ubiquity of things falling. Not just the constant rain, but if you look for it, you'll see it all throughout the film: sparks falling, ash falling, snow falling. There's hardly a scene where something isn't "raining" in some proverbial way, even in the scenes that don't take place outdoors.
Do you think there's any meaning to this, or am I just seeing things?
Also, what are some other visual language and motifs you've noticed in Pacific Rim?
(holy crap, that ending sounds like the prompt for a college English course essay... I assure you, this is not homework. :P)
For the sea is dark...
...and full of terrors.
5 Replies

G fan 84
MemberNoobAug-06-2013 11:53 PMNo i noticed some things to but more in having to do with H.P. LOVECRAFT and by that i mean the kaiju desighns are very hp lovecraft and the fact the main characters name is rayliegh wich is a play on RY-LEIGH the city where the dreamer(cuthuluh) sleeps;i also noticed hp lovecraft elements in the first HELLBOY movie to.

MemberNoobAug-07-2013 4:14 AMThe characters name is Raleigh, pronounced Rah-lee.
Also, Guillermo is a HP fan, so it's more than likely that some homage's to those stories are present in his films. The first two Hellboy's definitely have reference's with their giant creatures baring similarities to Old One's.

MemberNoobAug-07-2013 8:17 PMI also noticed that the [b]loss of shoes[/b] mean something to Del Toro, Mako Mori and Hannibal Chau did..

MemberNoobAug-13-2013 11:37 AM[quote]I also noticed that the loss of shoes mean something to Del Toro, Mako Mori and Hannibal Chau did..[/quote]
Now I want that sequel even more...
Hannibal Chau is.... very rich by now... in a semi-post apoc world... Could we be looking at a private Jaeger?
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