The Lore and World of Pacific Rim - Speculation

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Gypsy Eureka

MemberNoobJul-31-2013 10:42 AM
One of the reasons I liked this film was because it has so much lore and things going on that we don't get to see. The reason it feels like something is missing in the movie is because the world feels so real that you feel like you missed a bunch and you are now just getting brought up to speed. There are so many fights and battles that we hear about but don't get to see. For instance, the Mark 1 Glory Days, the three Jaeger drop in Manila where Gypsy rode with Striker, and Cherno Alpha's border protection on the Siberian Wall for six years. Pacific Rim is just jam packed with lore. So I ask you, what is one of your favorite aspects of the world of Pacific Rim? Is it the Kaiju-worshiping nuns? The effect of dead Kaiju remains on real estate? Or the Kaiju and the Jaegers that are merely touched upon in the prologue? I invite you to speculate with me on various subjects in the world of Pacific Rim
8 Replies


MemberNoobJul-31-2013 1:38 PM
I agree with you on all accounts. That's why I'd like to see a prequel instead of a sequel... I'd love to see those fights, the first encounters... the scared people and pilots, the nukes, etc. (Remember the Jaegers were created because nuclear weapons, although effective against Kaiju, were too dangerous and damaging to the earth itself)

Gypsy Eureka

MemberNoobJul-31-2013 1:55 PM
Exactly! I would rather see a prequel than a sequel. I want elongated views on the glimpses that we caught in the beginning. But then again, I kind of like the fantasy of it; the mystery. I kinda like making up in my mind what happened. You know what I mean?


MemberNoobJul-31-2013 3:45 PM
I think, we should see both, But not a prequel movie, for I don't think they can explain the entire story and get to the point you want in 90 minutes... I think A prequel tv series... would be cool and a sequel movie explaining what happens after the movie...

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberNoobJul-31-2013 6:38 PM
The world of Pacific Rim is amazing, and the art book showing so much untapped potential makes me love it even more. As for a prequel, I just don't see it happening, not yet anyway. If the film can get a sequel, than maybe afterwards. If anything, the outcry for more of the back story may lead to more stand alone comics, or a series of them, which would be interesting.

Ghost Ultramantis

MemberNoobJul-31-2013 9:36 PM
Taking the fight to the enemy, pro-humanity Kaiju, Cybernetically enhanced montrosities, and Mark V rebuilds of Gypsy and Crimson. That's your sequel if it happens.


MemberNoobAug-01-2013 12:47 AM
I'm not too big of a fan of a sequel... since the movie itself had a sense of closure.


MemberNoobAug-01-2013 9:06 AM
Hmm, well the rest of the story can expand via graphic novels too. The TF movies were expanded on beyond the three films this way by explaining more about the Transformers events pre movies, and what happened between each film. It may not be liked by all,but it's all that was available and to work with. I mean between Tales from Year Zero and the movie there is so much more we don't know or see. A sequel movie would be awesome.

Kaiju Blue

MemberNoobAug-01-2013 4:35 PM
First let me start by saying I loved Pacific Rim it was truly awesome! I Love the artbook and the comic book. I would argue that there is not as much lore as mentioned by the thread starter....most of the events are explained and the results are also told to us in the comic, the artbook or the Film. Therefore I would not want to see a prequel. I fell like the Prequel talk comes when a film does find closure and kills of many of its main characters. A Sequel is interesting but the story might come off a bit bland, in comparison to other Franchises or Universes.......... IDK PR is just not all that intriguing yet, not to say the story couldn't be expanded, I just don't think its in the cards
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