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5 Replies

Major Noob
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 8:40 PMOk Im really glad he liked PR but still, Oh My God What An Idiot. What a useless and incredibly lucky receptacle of data on other people's achievements. Within two minutes he name checks Con Air and The Rock as two fave films. PR is almost condemned by his very embrace of it.

MemberNoobJul-31-2013 5:28 AMwell that isnt very fair..... my favorite movie since i was a kid is "the money pit". doesnt mean i dont have a ridiculously huge horror and sci fi movie database in my brain. my bf's favorite movie is contact for craps sake.... cant have much of a worse choice than that pile of boring garbage. doesnt mean we both dont enjoy pacific rim.

Major Noob
MemberNoobJul-31-2013 10:39 PMBella- I love The Blob (1958) and Green Slime. No snobbery here. I also enjoyed Con Air and The Rock, well enough, anyway. It's just [i]him[/i], this blathering pop minutiae sponge whose silly cable show is only slightly less than pointless. He and that Jaimie character would still be living with their mom and working at the local comic shop if "Mythbusters" hadn't caught on. [i]But[/i]...there's more:
Did you see the smirking, dismissive and utterly ignorant review he and his nasal smugbuddies did of Prometheus? One gets the impression they jumped on the bashwagon without even seeing it.
I just now saw Pacific Rim tonight, and it was, in places, pure thrilling genius. Many places. But in others it was honestly as cheesy and shrill as, well, Con Air. Can't say at this moment whether I'll buy the disc (probably will). I need to digest what I just saw. But I can just see though how this grown man would sadly be impressed by overwhelming pyrotechnics clearly made for teenagers and put off by actual subtlety. Because... it's [i]him.[/i] Mr. California Cheeseball.

MemberNoobAug-05-2013 11:50 AMMajor Noob, you need to work on your subtlety. Everyone can tell you're a troll.
For the sea is dark...
...and full of terrors.

MemberNoobAug-05-2013 3:26 PMActually, I agree that PR could've done better without some of the cheese, but overall.. I love it as a summer flick. Hope the BR version has extended scenes and all that.
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