MemberNoobJul-28-2013 3:41 PMWell in a way the first movie has this with the aliens and kaiju together in a hive mind. So they are already being controlled by the aliens.

MemberNoobJul-29-2013 10:38 AMA sequel could actually work as well as a prequel, if well executed. Guillermo del Toro said in an [url=http://www.pacificrim-movie.net/news/953]interview[/url] that he might use the kaiju-drifting concept in the second movie. Given the fact the the kaiju have a hive-mind system, maybe it could trigger a second wave of attack? The place that Gypsy nuked at the end was also, I think, not the entire alien verse but just the kaiju manufacture and deployment base, kinda like their own Shatterdome.

MemberNoobJul-29-2013 12:08 PMIt would be difficult to redo the old film, like the portal being reopened. Yahn. What they should do is have the humans using Jaegers to explore deep world missions. They accidentally find an electical storm. But it tums out to be a portal. They get sucked into the other dimension and find themselves in battle with the Precursors. Del Toro stated he is going into new territory with this sequel, and I bet it's fighting Kaiju in the other dimension. So it could work. We just need to figure out how humans would re enter the Kaiju world for what purpose. Should they use the Jaegers to explore new worlds, and they accidental find themselves into another dimension, or should it be something totally different.
Please let me know on what idea would work best for the sequel.

MemberNoobJul-29-2013 1:56 PMI believe we should either see a prequel tv series or a sequel tv series (less likely)
theres a lot to explain in the prequel tv series, go into detail much more about the jaegar program....
i honestly want to see some sort of prequel but i don't want to see a movie because.... well it cant really fit in the entire story into 90 minutes without skipping or cutting out some important parts....
this leaves the floor clear for a sequel of great proportions, as the idea was, was for a jaegar pilot drifting with a kaiju or something....
Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way