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MemberNoobJul-27-2013 4:29 PMI just read in a chapter that when Newt drifted with the brain he found out more about them. Despite each being a clone. Each kaiju is only one member of an entire species. They also have genders and can reproduce without their masters cloning more. This makes me wonder. What do a male of Otachi's kind look like Or say females of the other kaiju? The others were males after all. So what would their mates look like?
Females in most species differ from the males in size and shape. Some are bigger than the males, some smaller, varying on the species. Some have different colors. Scunner for example has tusks on his face. A female of his species may not have any or they have smaller tusks. She may also be slightly smaller or larger than him.
Yeah, Newt would dig these concepts and become the first Steve Irwin of the kaiju genre. LOL.
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